BULLETIN W/C 5th January 2015
APPLYING TO ? URGENT! Deadline for college is 9 th January, to meet the UCAS deadline. It is not too late to apply, see your personal tutor or progress manager to get started. We need to receive your completed application by Friday 9th January. After this point we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet the UCAS deadline, (15 th January). If you have any problems please contact your Personal Tutor don’t wait for them to contact you
Are you having Financial Difficulties? Financial Support Drop In Room 7, Tutorial Corridor daily Or Or make an appointment by ing
Need Careers Advice? Not sure which path to take after Brock? Make an appointment with Rachel to explore your options Go to ebrock – Next steps – Careers Advice, Rachel or make an appointment via divisional
Looking for a part time job? Check out the careers page of Next Steps on ebrock or the jobs board in student services. Make an appointment with Rachel our Careers Advisor to make sure your CV is as good as it can be or go to ebrock Careers Advice page on Next Steps
Lions International Youth Programme An amazing opportunity to travel abroad during the summer For further information please or come to Tutorial Room 4 – near Student Services
Lockers are now issued from Brock Shop during opening times, and Temporary ID’s must be collected from Student Services. 8:30 - 9:30 11: :00 1:30 - 2:30 4:00 - 4:30 Student Services Helpdesk Opening Times
LANYARD PRICING If lost, stolen, broken or otherwise, the prices are as follows: PVC soft ID holder - 50p Rigid plastic ID holder - £1 Lanyard - £2 New ID card - £10 These can be purchased from the BrockShop daily between the hours of:
For more information on news and events, including Apprenticeship Opportunities and past Bulletins please visit eBrock.