Cash Management WV State Treasurer’s Office
Cash Management and Cash Handling Spending Unit –State Cash Collection Site Cash –Not just and Coins Currency Money Orders Checks
Background Oversees more than $13 billion on an annual basis Collects, disburses and manages state and local government funds
WVSTO Cash Management Accounting Participant Accounting EFT Treasury Operations
Receipts Processing –Lockbox –Check & Cash Deposits Check Processing –Sealing –Distribution
Cash Accounting Reconciliations Manage Banking and Agency Relationships Imprest Funds Outside Bank Accounts Cash Receipts Handbook
Checks (Cash Accounting Continued) Returned Undeliverable Stale Stop Payments Hotline: or (304)
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Automated Clearing House (ACH) e-Gov –Allowing state agencies and local governments the ability to accept credit cards and use our ACH network
Participant Accounting Determination of Daily Cash Position Wire Transfers Investment Activity Additional Information: (304)
Policies & Procedures Establish Cash Management practices and safeguards Develop & implement written procedures –Keep them updated
Why is this important?
Risks Cash is lost Cash is stolen Bank Statement doesn’t agree with Spending Unit’s records No audit trail Finger pointing/Accusations
Cash Receipts Handbook WV Legislative Auditor’s Office - Cash Receipts Study WV Code §
Cash Receipts Handbook Purpose: “to provide guidelines for the proper receiving, handling, and safeguarding of Cash by Spending Units and employees.” Goal: “to guide and control the process for accurate and secure receiving, receipting and processing of moneys received at various locations throughout the State.” Collect Cash Secure Cash Prepare Deposit Make Deposit Reconcile
Internal Controls –Effectiveness & Efficiency of Operations –Reliability of Financial Reporting –Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
Internal Controls CollectingDepositing DisbursementReconciliation Segregation of Duties
Internal Controls Physical Safeguarding of Cash Employee Screening Handling Receipts Using Dual Controls One Business Day Rule Cash Receipts Survey
WVSTO Services Lockbox e-Gov Additional Assistance
Additional Services Smart Safes Remote Deposit Capture Device Point of Sale (POS) Device
Challenges Do you have a ham problem?? “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” -Albert Einstein
Questions?? Julie Hefner-Ferrell Cash Accounting Supervisor Misty Price Deputy Treasurer of Cash Management Drew Hendricks Cash Receipt Accountant