CSI CASE OF THE MISSING MOOLA BY DAVID LEWMEN Ryan maciejczyk Look you see this code scan it and find out what it does!
GENRE The genre of my book is mystery because they are looking for who stole the money. So they have to find who did it. The fiends are being detectives and learning how to find finger prints. Then the students salve the case of the missing money.
SETTING The setting is at a high school. The money was stolen there at the school too. So the three friends are looking for who did it. It will have to be some one at the school. So I think it will be a student and it has to be a student in 8 th grade. Also they had to be in 7 th grade last year in one of the home room classes.
The three friends are trying to find who stole the money. The friends go step by step to find out who did it. The money was last at the school. So it had to be stolen at the school. It has to be a student who did it that was in the 7 th grade last year. A teacher helps the friends by teaching them how to find finger prints. So they go to the box and looked for finger prints. There were a lot of them on the box. The teacher was amazed. The friends went looking around for stuff that were new. One person gave a quark pad to another person for $100 and they are really $400. After the friends get the finger prints they compared them to people in 7 th and 8 th graders. It took a long time to do all of it but it was worth all of it. After that they compared the finger prints to all of the other ones. They found a lot that looked a like they found one the matched the best a it was the person who did it. So know they caught he person who stole the money. summary
RECOMMENDATION I would recommend his book I you like mysteries. It is a great book to read it talks about how three 7 th grade students find a thief. I think it is a amazing book I would give it a 10/10. if you like to read his is the book for you.