Biometrics Overview
Biometrics Identification or verification of an individual based on a physical characteristic or trait.
Biometric Modes Biological Characteristics Fingerprint Facial Recognition Hand Geometry Eye (Iris & Retina) Vein Pattern Behavioral Traits Signature Voice Keystroke Dynamics
Why use Biometrics? Biometrics has No Risk of: Forgetting it Losing it Getting it stolen Getting it copied Loaning it out Being used by anyone else
Biometric Uses Financial Institutes ATM, Validation of credit and debit cards Law Enforcement Automated Fingerprint Identification System Surveillance Physical Access Control Buildings, Airports, Hospitals, Schools IT Security Network-systems of organizations – Internet/Intranet E-Commerce market : User Authentication Consumer Market PC Applications(Mouse, Keyboard, Laptop, etc.) Time and Attendance Monitoring Home Appliances (Door locks, Safes, etc.)
Biometric Marketplace (Per International Biometric Group’s Biometric Market Report )
Market Drivers Real need for increased security Traditional methods obsolete Increased identity theft and fraud Advances in biometric technology Reliability and functionality Price factors Weak capital markets Competitive environment Consolidation Industry standardization Current Events/Emotion
Fingerprint Measures ridges and minutiae (end, fusion, bifurcation of fingerprint data) Used for over 100 years Highly accurate Small devices Latent prints Environmental conditions
Facial Recognition Measures the contours and distances of the Eyes, Nose and Chin. May also use Thermograph matching Easy to use/Non-cooperative Influenced by lighting and facial angles Susceptible to spoofing with glasses, wigs, beards
Hand Geometry Measures finger length and knuckle thickness Intuitive Operation Uses few minutiae points Large Devices limit the installation possibilities.
Eye Recognition Iris: Measures the shape & color of the Iris Minutiae rich Inconvenient Expensive Retina: Blood Vessel Pattern Highly Accurate Low public acceptance (Intrusive)
Vein Recognition Uses an infrared camera to measure the veins on the wrist and back of the hand. Currently impossible to copy Large Equipment Expensive Uses few minutiae points
Signature Recognition Measures the pressure and speed of stroke dynamics Inexpensive Intuitive Operation Signatures may change over time Participation must be voluntary Low Accuracy
Voice Recognition Measures the vibration of phoneme, syllable, words Easy to use Remote applications Easy to impersonate Influenced by health conditions Sensitive to noise
Mode Comparison
(Does Not Include AFIS Revenues) (Per International Biometric Group’s Biometric Market Report ) 2001 Market Shares
Biometric System Enrollment Identity Verification Template Management Distributed Centralized Live Scan Processing Identity Authentication Transaction Processing Apply Policy
Biometric Verification Identity Claim Biometric Capture Feature Extraction 1-to-1 Comparison
Biometric Identification Biometric Capture Feature Extraction 1-to-n Comparison
Matching Evaluation Reject / Accept Threshold Error Ratio FRR (False Rejection Ratio) FAR (False Acceptance Ratio) ERR (Equal Error Ratio)
Implementation Interoperability BioAPI ANSI Fast track CBEFF Common Biometric Exchange File Format Used in BioAPI Multimode integration
Template Management Centralized Template security Administration Communications Infrastructure Distributed Smartcards 2-D Barcodes Memory buttons Counterfeiting
Enterprise Management CBEFF DB Trusted Applications Authentication Servers Distributed
Modular Applications INTERNETINTRANETBizAppsOthers WBE Component Biometric API FPBSPFacialBSPIrisBSPVoiceBSPHandBSPOtherBSP AUTHServerOTTServerDBServerFPMatchingFacialMatchingIrisMatching VoiceMatchingHandMatchingLicenseServerTemplateMgmtPWDMatchingOthers BiometricMatchingServersBiometricMatchingServers Configuration Management ClientSide ServerSide
Fingerprint in Access Control Lowest implementation cost Widest availability Matching technology Correlation Minutiae matching Scanner technology Optical Solid-state/Capacitive Ultrasonic
Access Control Applications System Controller DIU LSU Template Database
Integration Interfaces Legacy Systems Weigand Only “industry standard” Clock and Data Proprietary Vendor products RS485 TCP/IP
Hydra Implementation
Graterford Prison Barcode badge provides Guard PIN. Hydra performs fingerprint verification. Photo of verified guard displayed on touchscreen. Operator must visually confirm by touching photo on screen.
BioACE Architecture Athena NCU WAN NCU Modems MicroNCU POT S ARGO IBASDesktop