Magali Pauzié
Magali Pauzié Paul’s bike was stolen. Prétérit Paul’s bike (steal)
Magali Pauzié Football is played all over the world. Présent Football (play) all over the world.
Magali Pauzié This girl is admired by all the boys in my school. Présent This girl (admire) by all the boys in my school.
Magali Pauzié Emma was seen in the library yesterday. Prétérit Emma (see) in the library yesterday.
Magali Pauzié Mary is loved by everyone. Présent Mary (love) by everyone.
Magali Pauzié Presents are exchanged every year for Christmas. Présent Presents (exchange) every year for Christmas.
Magali Pauzié Our homework has been done. Present perfect Our homework (do).
Magali Pauzié The French exam was cancelled. Prétérit The French exam (cancel).
Magali Pauzié Indiana Jones was directed by Spielberg. Prétérit Indiana Jones (direct) by Spielberg.
Magali Pauzié The house will be demolished on Monday. Will The house (demolish) on Monday.
Magali Pauzié Dinner has been prepared. Present perfect Dinner (prepare).
Magali Pauzié Delicious sushis are served here. Présent Delicious sushis (serve) here.
Magali Pauzié My question will be answered. Will My question (answer).
Magali Pauzié The classroom is cleaned everyday. Présent The classroom (clean) everyday.
Magali Pauzié This house was builttwo years ago. Prétérit This house (build) two years ago.
Magali Pauzié My letters were delivered this morning. Prétérit My letters (deliver) this morning.