1 VMD – Video motion Detection Global Security
2 Why intelligent Video? Who’s watching all these monitors ??? It’s Impossible!!!!
3 Customer Challenges Automated Solution Make the system ACTIVE, not PASSIVE! Overflow of video information to review Solution Provide security staff with intelligent sophisticated monitoring tools Human limitations on monitoring quality Centralized management of remote sites Improve efficiency & quality of operations
4 Technology Focus Behavior Analysis Behavior Watch Trigger 4, Trigger 2, AnalyzR Flow Counting Count Watch iSense, iSense IM Tailgating Detection Access Watch
5 VMD VMD (Thermal) Video Detecting Rules → VMD (Video Motion Detection) alarm → Static Object alarm → Presence alarm → Path Detection alarm → Object Removal alarm → Object Started alarm → Directional Motion alarm → Speed → Loitering Static Object Presence Path Object Removal Object Started Directional Motion Loitering
6 Counting and Tailgating → People Counting → Tailgating → Car Counting
7 Home Land Security Critical infrastructure protection, land and maritime borders protection, transportation security (aviation, maritime) Border protection Waterside Monitoring Perimeter Intrusion Detection Stopped vehicle alert Critical Asset Monitoring
8 Perimeter Applications Perimeter intrusion detection Detect intrusions along fence lines Create virtual fences Path detection for directional tripwire usg
9 Homeland Security Applications usg
10 Commercial Security Corporate, Manufacturing Facilities, Plants, Educational Institutions, Pharmaceutical, Residential Restricted area monitoring Stolen vehicle detection Loitering detection Stopped vehicle alert Hazardous Materials Monitoring Tailgating Detection Illegal Parking Alert
11 Office/Plant Applications usg
12 Retail Solutions Malls, Shopping Centers, Banking and Gaming Security Access control, Intrusion detection, Secured zones monitoring Customer Safety Loss prevention Storage facilities monitoring, theft detection, employee lifting detection Marketing Data and Decision Making Tools Counting, Periodic reports, Analysis tools
13 Project/Success Frontier settlement Triggers Perimeter surveillance Jewelry Factory Trigger Surveillance Private residences Trigger Surveillance AEON – Shopping Center Japan Counting Trigger Local Police Triggers Perimeter surveillance Business Park NL Triggers Perimeter surveillance Remote management
14 Project/Success Polish Army Triggers Perimeter surveillance Malls and Shops- Portugal Counting Metro Cash & Carry Romania Counting Logistic Center AnalyzR Kantech & Intellex ENEL ( Italian EC ) Trigger Genetec Secured Data Center Trigger WinGaurd