Geospatial Intelligence Applications in Law Enforcement Analysis Gregory Thomas
Law Enforcement Analysis Supports Law Enforcement Analysis Supports Crime Prevention Shows patterns of criminal incidents. Forecasts community threats. Assists in the effective deployment of patrol. Supports community policing efforts.
Crime Mapping The process of using a geographic information system to conduct spatial analysis of crime problems and other police-related issues. Facilitates visual and statistical analyses of crime. Allows linkage based on common variables. Helps to communicate results of analysis. (Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping, R. Boba, 2005, pp )
Environmental Criminology Rational Choice Theory Choices made based on opportunities and rewards. Crime Pattern Theory Crimes occur where offender’s space overlaps w/victim’s. Routine Activity Theory Opportunities change based on changes in behavior. Environmental Design Theory Identify and alter geographical characteristics that contribute to criminal predation. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Defensible Space, O. Newman, 1972) (See also: R. Boba, 2005; T. Baker, 2005)
Geographic Distribution Analysis Occurrence of activity over a particular geographic area. Plot events and summarize what it depicts. Map depicting the flow of activities or services from one location to another. Illustrates flow chart on a map.
Geographic Flow Chart Cocaine Flow to the United States Source: ONDCP, Annual Assessment of Cocaine Movement.
Spatial Pattern Analysis Analyze and correlate data sources. Create snapshot of crime incidents and related factors within a geographical area. Look for patterns: Locations Distances Direction Hot spots
Geographic Distribution Analysis Crime Mapping
Crime Data Includes: Crime Incidents Arrests Calls for Service Accidents Philadelphia Police Department Crime Maps
Sex Offenders – Child Abductions National Sex Offender Registry
Motor Vehicle Theft OnStar Stolen Vehicle Slowdown Lowjack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System Vehicle Theft Hot Spots
Travel of Suspects Cell phone towers The snitch in your pocket, Newsweek ( Road tolls Purchase receipts
1/13/ hrs 1/13/ hrs 1/13/ hrs 1/13/ hrs
Operational Information Surveillance Raids Pre-op plans Gunshot detection systems Target location
On-line Resources/Reading National Institute of Justice Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety Introductory Guide to Crime Analysis and Mapping Manual of Crime Analysis Map Production
Other References R. Boba, 2005, Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping. T. Baker, 2005, Introductory Criminal Analysis.