Ancient Egypt jeopardy Social Studies Ancient Egypt jeopardy
Vocabulary Question 1 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded A room or a grave where a dead person is placed.
Answer 1 Tomb
Question 2 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded Dead bodies that have been preserved with salts and chemicals so that they will last
Answer 2 mummies
Question 3 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded Rulers in ancient Egypt.
Answer 3 Pharaohs
Question 4 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded To attack a country or other place in order to gain control of it
Answer 4 invaded
Question 5 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded A rich soil and other materials that have been brought by the Nile River
Answer 5 silt
Question 6 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded Life after one’s death
Answer 6 Afterlife
Question 7 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded Pictures and symbols used as a form of writing
Answer 7 hieroglyphics
Question 8 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded A tall water plant found in Northern Africa and Southern Europe
Answer 8 papyrus
Question 9 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded Buildings that have four sides and are shaped like a triangle. The wealthy people of ancient Egypt were buried here.
Answer 9 Pyramids
Question 10 Word Bank: Papyrus, Pyramid, Silt, Pharaohs, Afterlife, Mummies, Empire, Hieroglyphics, Tomb, Invaded When one group of people rules over another
Answer 10 empire
Facts Question 11 Where is Egypt?
Answer 11 Africa
Question 15 What happens to the Nile every Spring?
Answer 15 It floods
Question 17 The Nile River flows across Egypt in what direction?
Answer 17 South to north (or bottom to top)
Question 18 The Nile is considered the world’s largest what?
Answer 18 river
Question 19 Where were the pharaohs buried?
Answer 19 pyramids
Question 20 What was papyrus used for?
Answer 20 Paper mostly, Sandals baskets
Question 22 What did Egyptians believe happened after they died?
Answer 22 An afterlife
Question 23 About how long is the Nile River?
Answer 23 4,000 miles
What is an advancement from ancient civilizations?
Some invention or tool that made their lives better. Example: The wheel, hieroglyphics, boats
Question 28 What does silt do for the land around the Nile river?
Answer 28 Makes it fertile
What is an economy?
An economy has to do with money or trade. How they got what they needed to survive. What they spent for the things they wanted and needed.
Name the Following Location Word Bank The Red Sea Mediterranean Sea Nile River Persian Gulf Sahara Desert Eastern Desert Nile Delta
Sahara Desert
Name the Following Location Word Bank The Red Sea Mediterranean Sea Nile River Persian Gulf Sahara Desert Eastern Desert Nile Delta
Eastern Desert
Name the Following Location Word Bank The Red Sea Mediterranean Sea Nile River Persian Gulf Sahara Desert Eastern Desert Nile Delta
Nile Delta
Name the Following Location Word Bank The Red Sea Mediterranean Sea Nile River Persian Gulf Sahara Desert Eastern Desert Nile Delta
Mediterranean Sea
Name the Following Location Word Bank The Red Sea Mediterranean Sea Nile River Persian Gulf Sahara Desert Eastern Desert Nile Delta
The Red Sea
Question 29 What would have happened to Egypt if it wasn’t for the Nile River?
Answer 29 It would be JUST a desert.
Question 30 How long did mummification preserve the bodies of the people for? How many days did the process take?
Answer 30 Thousands of years 70 days
Question 12 Who was one of the female rulers of ancient Egypt?
Answer 12 Hatshepsut
Question 24 What material did ancient Egyptians use for clothes?
Answer 24 linen
Question 16 What did the Egyptians use to dry out the body during the mummification process?
Answer 16 natron
Answer in a complete sentence question 26 What part of the internal organs was PUT BACK INSIDE the mummy? And why?
Answer 26 The heart They believed it was the center of all their body’s actions
Question 25 What were the internal organs put into from the mummy?
Answer 25 Canopic jars
QUESTION 27 Why was King Tut remembered?
Answer 27 None of his treasures were stolen
Flat grasslands, found in the south of Egypt are called….
What is the name of the greatest Pharaoh of the New Kingdom?
Ramses II
Who was believed to be the son of the sun god, Re?
The Pharaohs
What type of crops were common in Egypt?
Wheat, Barley, and Flax
Who was the main Egyptian God?
What was an Egyptian invention to prevent the pharaoh or wealthy people from decomposing?
Woman pharaoh who wanted to improve the Egyptian economy
Name 3 reasons the Nile River was important to the Egyptians.
Trade Transportation Irrigation Drinking water Papyrus Protection