Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Goals/Objectives 1.Discuss ways to determine desirable weight and body composition. 2.Outline steps to follow for healthful weight gain and weight loss. 3.Calculate Body Mass Index 4.Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate 5.Find Body Frame Type 6.Discuss obesity: the causes, symptoms, associated health problems, and treatments.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. body composition basal metabolic rate (BMR) caloric intake caloric expenditure overweight obesity eating disorder anorexia nervosa bulimia Key Terms binge eating disorder
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Obesity in the U.S. The American Obesity Association reports that: –127 million Americans are overweight –60 million are obese –9 million are severely obese reports that: –Nearly 2/3 of U.S. adults are overweight (BMI > 25, which includes those who are obese). –Nearly 1/3 of U.S. adults are obese (BMI > 30).
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Warm-Up In 1965, 4.6% of teens were overweight. In 1980, 5% of teens were overweight. From 1980 to 2008, rates of obesity in the U.S. doubled for adults and tripled for children. Approximately 36% of adults and 17% of children and adolescents, from 2 to 19 years of age, are obese. What health trends do these statistics reveal? What changes might help reverse this trend? How successful do you think the changes would be? What can you do to maintain a healthy weight?
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Weight and Body Composition Weight management is a diet and exercise plan to maintain a desirable weight and body composition. Desirable weight is the weight that is healthful for a person. Body composition is the percentage of fat tissue and lean tissue in the body.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Body mass index (BMI) is a ratio of your weight to your height. Body Mass Index Follow these steps to calculate your BMI. BMI = Weight (in pounds) [Height (in inches)] 2 () x Multiply your height (in inches) by your height (in inches). 2.Divide your weight (in pounds) by the number from Step 1. 3.Multiply the number from Step 2 by 703.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.
How to Determine Desirable Weight and Body Composition The physician or dietitian will ask your age and measure your height and current weight. The body frame is the approximate weight and density of the bone structure. The basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is the number of calories the body uses at rest. –A calorie is a unit of energy produced by food and used by the body.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Body Frame The approximate weight and bone density of the bone structure is your body frame. The size and thickness of bones vary from person to person Determine if you have a small, medium, or large body frame by either measuring –The circumference of your wrist –Measuring the breadth of your elbow There are standard measurements for male or female in relation to a person’s height.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Body Frame Reference - Women Height under 5'2" –Small = wrist size less than 5.5" –Medium = wrist size 5.5" to 5.75" –Large = wrist size over 5.75" Height 5'2" to 5' 5" –Small = wrist size less than 6" –Medium = wrist size 6" to 6.25" –Large = wrist size over 6.25" Height over 5' 5" –Small = wrist size less than 6.25" –Medium = wrist size 6.25" to 6.5" –Large = wrist size over 6.5"
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Body Frame Reference - Men Height over 5' 5" –Small = wrist size 5.5" to 6.5" –Medium = wrist size 6.5" to 7.5" –Large = wrist size over 7.5" Source:
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. How to Determine Desirable Weight and Body Composition There are two kinds of body fat. –Essential body fat is the amount of body fat needed for optimal health. –Adipose tissue is fat that accumulates around internal organs, within muscle, and under your skin.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Body Fat for Teens Healthful Body Fat %: Males: 11-17% Females: 16-24% Ways to measure body fat: Skinfold calipers Underwater weighing *A quick way to determine is to pinch a fold of skin on your upper arm. You may have extra body fat if you pinch more than 1 inch.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. How to Determine Desirable Weight and Body Composition How to make a weight management plan –A weight management plan is based on caloric intake and caloric expenditure. –Caloric intake is the number of calories a person takes in from foods and beverages. –Caloric expenditure is the number of calories a person uses for basal metabolic rate, digestion, and physical activity.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Gaining/Losing Weight How many calories = 1 lb. ?
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Weight Gain/Loss To gain weight, your caloric intake > caloric expenditure To lose weight, your caloric intake < caloric expenditure –The energy equivalent of one pound of body fat is equal to 3500 calories. To lose one pound, decrease caloric intake by 3500 calories and maintain the same amount of activity or increase caloric expenditure by 3500 calories. Regular exercise will increase the proportion of weight loss from body fat.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Gaining Weight A body weight that is 10% or more below desirable body weight is underweight. People who are underweight may be malnourished. Malnutrition is a condition in which the body does not get the nutrients required for optimal health.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. How to Gain Weight Healthfully Increase food intake. –To gain 5 pounds. –Gain one pound a week for 5 weeks. (increase caloric intake 3500/week, 500/day) –Increase # of servings from MyPyramid to do so Follow the Dietary Guidelines. –Don’t develop harmful eating habits that are difficult to break. Watch eating habits and activity levels. –Eat snacks between meals. –Continue to exercise –Keep a journal food/beverage intake and weight gain
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Gaining Weight Overweight is a body weight that is 10% or more than desirable body weight. Obesity is a body weight that is 20% or more than desirable body weight.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Steps to Lose Weight Healthfully Decrease food intake. –Suppose you want to lose 10 pounds. –You may want to lose 2 pounds/week for 5 weeks You need to use 1000 more calories each day than you take in. You could reduce your caloric intake by 500 and burn 500 exercising. Follow the Dietary Guidelines. Stay active. –Physical activity increases BMR, tones muscle, secretes beta-endorphins (improves mood). Keep a journal.
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Calculate your BMR Women: BMR = ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years ) Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Harris-Benedict Formula To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:BMR If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2 If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55 If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Mifflin St. Jeor Equation For men: BMR = 10 x weight (kg) x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) + 5 For women: BMR = 10 x weight (kg) x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) – 161 **For kg type in “lb to kg” using Google
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Online Calculators BMI: Harris-Benedict Formula: calculator/harris-benedict-equation/ BMR Calculator:
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Study Guide 1.Match the following terms and definitions. ___ adipose tissue ___ serotonin ___ malnutrition ___ basal metabolic rate ___ diuretic A. a condition in which the body does not get the nutrients required for optimal health B. a product that increases the amount of urine excreted C. the number of calories the body uses at rest D. a chemical in the body that helps regulate drives and emotions E.fat that accumulates around internal organs, within muscle, and under your skin E D A C B
Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information. Study Guide 2.Identify the following statements as true or false. _______ Obesity is a body weight that is 10 percent more than desirable body weight. _______ Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person cannot control eating and eats excessive amounts _______ People with anorexia do not recognize when they are dangerously thin _______ To lose weight, your caloric intake must be less than your caloric expenditure false true
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