Elbow, Hand, and Fingers
AnatomyAnatomy MotionsMotions InjuriesInjuries EvaluationEvaluation RehabilitationRehabilitation
Anatomy BonesBones LigamentsLigaments MusclesMuscles
Bones HumerusHumerus RadiusRadius UlnaUlna
Landmarks of the humerus Medial/lateral epicondyleMedial/lateral epicondyle Capitulum (lateral)Capitulum (lateral) Trochlea (medial)Trochlea (medial) Olecranon fossaOlecranon fossa Coronoid fossaCoronoid fossa
Landmarks of the humerus
Landmarks of the Radius and Ulna Olecranon process (point of elbow) is part of the ulnaOlecranon process (point of elbow) is part of the ulna Articulates (connects) with the on the humerusArticulates (connects) with the olecranon fossa on the humerus (ULNA) articulates with on the humerusCoronoid process (ULNA) articulates with coronoid fossa on the humerus
Landmarks of the Radius and Ulna
Elbow ligaments Medial (Ulnar) collateral (MCL) or UCLMedial (Ulnar) collateral (MCL) or UCL Lateral (radial) collateral (LCL) or RCLLateral (radial) collateral (LCL) or RCL Annular ligamentAnnular ligament
Elbow ligaments
Muscles acting on the elbow Biceps- elbow flexionBiceps- elbow flexion Triceps- elbow extensionTriceps- elbow extension PronatorsPronators SupinatorsSupinators
Bones of the hand/wrist CarpalsCarpals MetacarpalsMetacarpals
Bones of the hand/wrist
How to remember the carpal bones Never Leave The Player, The Trainer Can Help
Wrist motions
Motions and muscles of the fingers/thumb FlexionFlexion ExtensionExtension Ab/AdductionAb/Adduction Circumduction (Thumb)Circumduction (Thumb)
Injuries ContusionsContusions StrainsStrains SprainsSprains HyperextensionHyperextension EpicondylitisEpicondylitis BursitisBursitis DislocationsDislocations FracturesFractures Carpal tunnelCarpal tunnel Subungal hematoma Mallet finger Jersey finger Skier’s thumb Dislocated finger
Strains Occurs to a muscle/tendonOccurs to a muscle/tendon Due to over stretching or overuse of the muscle or tendon.Due to over stretching or overuse of the muscle or tendon.
Sprains Occur to a ligamentOccur to a ligament
Hyperextension of elbow An overstraightening of the elbow.An overstraightening of the elbow. Caused from a posterior force on the elbow joint.Caused from a posterior force on the elbow joint.
Epicondylitis Epicondylitis is a tendonitis that occurs in the area of the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus.Epicondylitis is a tendonitis that occurs in the area of the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus. It is caused by overuse of the tendon, which results in pain and inflammation.It is caused by overuse of the tendon, which results in pain and inflammation.
Medial epicondylitis Also known as:Also known as:
Lateral epicondylitis Also known as:Also known as:
Bursitis Due to repetitive stress or a direct blow to the elbow.Due to repetitive stress or a direct blow to the elbow.
Forearm fracture
Radial/Ulnar Fractures
Colles Fracture
Causes of wrist Fx
Boxer’s Fracture
Carpal Tunnel
Subungal hematoma Bleeding under fingernailBleeding under fingernail
Nina’s finger
Mallet finger
Jersey finger
Skier’s thumb
Dislocated finger