Case 2 84 year old female Kenneth Koncilja Aravind Reddy Meghan Kaumaya Andrew Williams
Presentation 84 yr. old ♀ falls Landed on wrists “Crack” on fall Right wrist (RW) –Swelling –Discoloration –Pain Figure 2.1 Broken wrist presenting swelling, discoloration, pain, and dorsal angulation
Vitals Blood Pressure: 140/80 Pulse: 78 Rhythm: Regular Temperature: 98.9F Respiratory rate: 19 Height: 5’1” Weight: 130 lbs. HEENT examination: Normal All other systems: Normal Figure 2.2 Physician taking vital signs of patient presenting with injured wrist. pplication%20images/Spot%20LXI_wireless.jpg
Musculoskeletal Exam Left upper and both lower limbs are normal Right wrist- swelling, tenderness Inability to hold or lift Abnormal dorsal angulation of the wrist Shorting of the radial aspect of the right forearm
Pertinent Anatomy Styloid Process Distal Radius Scaphoid Medial nerve –Flexor carpi radialis –Palmaris longus
Radiology of Common Fractures
Anatomical Motions Extension/Flexion –“Snuff box” muscles –Innervated radial Hold/lift object ABuction/adduction