Ms. Bowman
Articulations: Metacarpophalangeal joints Carpometacarpal joints Intermetacarpal joints Intercarpal joints Radiocarpal joints Distal Radioulnar joint
Intrinsic MusclesExtrinsic Muscles
Nerves of the hand: Radial Median Ulnar
Location of Pain MOI Sounds and Sensations (Rice Crispies) Duration of Symptoms Description of Symptoms/Pain aching, throbbing, sharp, dull, burning, numbness, tingling Previous history General medical health arthritis, vascularization issues
Posture Deformity Edema Cuts or scars Alignment Cysts Skin and fingernails
Bones Radius Radial Styloid Process Ulna Ulnar Styloid Process Carpal Bones Metacarpals Phalanges Soft Tissue Thenar eminence Central compartment Hypothenar eminence Webspace Collateral IP ligaments
Wrist Flexion Extension Ulnar Deviation Radial Deviation Finger Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Thumb also has opposition.
Valgus/Varus Stress Test of Radiocarpal joint Glide testing of the wrist Valgus/Varus Stress Test of the IP joints Ulnar Colleral Ligament of the thumb
Radial Nerve Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Upper Quarter Screen (will learn with shoulder)
Phalen’s Test Finkelstein Test Tap Test Compression Test Tinel’s Sign Murphy’s Sign