Office Ergonomics Hazards and Solutions
Neutral Posture Head facing forward Chin parallel with floor Elbows at the side of the body
Neutral Posture Deviations from the neutral position may cause Adaptive Muscle Changes. Non-neutral postures held for a long time or repetitively are referred to as Static Loading.
Adaptive muscle changes Physical changes to muscle length occur when they are held in a non-neutral position for prolonged periods –Joints function improperly –Muscles that are shortened can be tender –Pain can be local or distally referred Trigger point at shoulder may be felt at elbow
Static Loading Blood flow to the working muscle is decreased resulting in fatigue and a higher risk of injury including: –Arthritis (joint inflammation) –Chronic arthroses (joint deterioration) –Hardening of the muscles –Inter-vertebral disc problems
Neck Flexion: Moving the chin towards the chest can lead to headaches, tension neck syndrome and adaptive muscle changes.
Neck Rotation: This non-neutral position increases the risk of neck and upper back pain.
Shoulder Flexion: Creates static loading in the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. Can lead to rounded shoulders.
Rounded Shoulders: Can cause Adaptive muscle change in the chest, upper back and neck.
Neutral Posture Neutral Wrist Posture: Deviations from this posture increase the risk of injury.
Deviations from Neutral Wrist and Elbow Posture Ulnar Deviation
Deviations from Neutral Wrist and Elbow Posture
Wrist Extension
Deviations from Neutral Wrist and Elbow Posture
Contact Stress
Deviations from Neutral Wrist and Elbow Posture
Excessive Elbow Flexion
Deviations from Neutral Wrist and Elbow Posture
Make some adjustments Chair: The height should be adjusted to allow adequate thigh clearance and promote elbow angle of no less than 90°. Footrest: Use a footrest to keep the knee and ankle joints at 90°
Monitor: Adjust to promote neutral neck posture with the top of the screen at eye level or slightly lower. Note: Bifocals are not designed for computer use.
Document Holder: Use to maintain a neutral head position. Position the document holder as close to the monitor as possible to reduce neck flexion and rotation.
Keyboard: -Position at height that allows elbows to remain at 90° angle or greater, and neutral wrist posture. Mouse: Position at the same height as the keyboard.
Stand up! Use a ringing phone as a cue to stand up and take a few steps
Organize Work Tasks This clip art is supposed to be a guy juggling priorities…well, anyway, you get the point.
Limit time spent seated Take a mini-break to stretch every hour.