out Out with the Old …
In with the New “FUTURE” … the 1.5 T making a making a permanent stop permanent stop at OFMC. at OFMC.
Chiller on the Roof & Magnet in the House Magnet in the House
Low Field Open MRI (0.3T) vs. High Field MRI (1.5T) Compare the BENEFIT difference
Low Field Open MRI (0.3T) vs. Our High Field MRI (1.5T) Hitachi Siemens BENEFIT -Open Magnet - Faster Scan Times - Gradients - Increased Image Quality - More MRA capabilities - Gain Multiple Small Part exams i.e. hand, foot, etc - More coil & multi-scan options - Enhanced patient throughput (2-3x) - Acceptable Accreditation standards - More Participating Insurance Carriers - Future Cardiac MRI service offerings
Clearly, more Benefits with a 1.5 T
Low Field Open MRI (0.3T) vs. Our High Field MRI (1.5T) Can YOU tell the IMAGE difference ?
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone…
Unsurpassed Image Quality Specializing in all aspects of MRI and MRA Specializing in all aspects of MRI and MRA Contrast Enhanced MRA Contrast Enhanced MRA Reduced Scan Times Greater Small Structure Detail Greater Small Structure Detail True Fat Suppression Imaging techniques True Fat Suppression Imaging techniques Offers Greater Flexibility in Orthopedic,Abdominal, & Neurological Imaging Imaging Integrated Sound System to Reduce Anxiety to Reduce Anxiety Superior Detail
“Non-Contrast ” MRA of the Circle of Willis. Less then a 10 minute acquisition.
RENAL MRA RenalArteries branching off the Aorta branching off the Aorta
THUMB (digit) MRI Coronal WRIST view
PeripheralRun-Off MRA MRA Peripheral Run-Off MRA of the Lower Extremities