Skeletal System
Fill in the skeletal body on the back page of your packet. Use pages 134 in your text book.
Terminology aur-7. arthr(o)- 2. –poiesis8. carp- 3. brachi-9. cervic 4. oss-10. dia- 5. burso11. cox(a), pelv 6. –genesis12. dactyl, digit 13. ax-14. fov- 15. front-16. scolio 17. corac-18. condyl-
aurear poiesisproduction brachiarm ossbone burs(o)bursa genesisborn, beginning axaxis frontforehead arthr(o)joint
carpwrist cervicpertaining to the neck diathrough, across cox, pelvhip, hip joint dactyl, digitfinger, toes fovpit scoliotwisted coraccrows beak condylknob
Introduction How many bones do you think are in the human body? 206 Largest Bone? Femur Smallest Bone? Ossicles (ear bones)
Functions (5) 1.Support Body
2. Protect organs
3. Attachment of muscles
4. Hemopoieses The bones make blood cells from embryonic month 5 on…
5. Mineral Storage Ca 2 (PO 4 ) 3
Anatomy There are basically four types of bones.
1. Long Bones e.g. Femur Radius ulna humerus
2. Short bones carpals
3. Flat Bones
4. Irregular Bones
Parts of a long bone Please color code the femur. Color code letters a-g.
Epiphysis A. Ends of the bone (Proximal and distal)
Epiphyseal plate A1: Cartilage growth plates on bone ends. (Growth plate)
(hyaline) cartilage on end of bone b bone trabeculae of spongy bone c red marrow cavity d epiphyseal plate (hyaline cartilage)
a Epiphyseal plate made of hyaline cartilage is responsible for long bone growth. Note: The direction of growth is toward the diaphysis (shaft of long bone). Also Note: The newly forming spongy bone (below the growth plate) is not clearly organized as the older spongy bone in the epiphysis above the growth plate.
Diaphysis B. Shaft of the bone, middle part.
Articular Cartilage C. Cartilage layer to reduce pain and friction.
Periosteum D. Living layer surrounding bone. Nourishing and growth in width.
Spongy bone Looks like a sponge. Mostly in the epiphysis Contains red marrow (Makes RBC’s)
Compact Bone Close together in diaphysis. Organized into concentric layers.
Medullary Cavity Hole in the middle of the bone. Filled with yellow marrow (fat for energy storage)
Surface features: (3) 1. Projections 2. Depressions 3. Openings
Projections For attachments
Depressions For joints to fit together.
Openings For blood vessels and nerves.
Osseous Tissue
Osteocyte Mature bone cells. Maintain bones and assist and repair.