Technology Of Warfare In Vietnam By Devin Stair Transition Year
Weapons used in the Vietnam War These are some of the many weapons used in Vietnam: The XM2 (People Sniper) F-4 Phantom II A-4 Sky hawk M48 Tank RPG-7 Rocket Launcher (CHICOM Type-69) By Devin Stair Transition Year
A Vietnam-era sensor, the XM2, (on the bottom) generally known as the "people sniffer", detected ammonia concentrations in air, which indicated the presence of groups of people or animals. By Devin Stair Transition Year
High-performance attack aircrafts Flown by the Air Force, Navy, and Marines, versions of the F-4 Phantom II were the primary aircraft used in close support. By Devin Stair Transition Year
High-performance attack aircrafts Navy and Marine A-4 Sky hawk aircraft operated in the northern areas, both from carriers and land bases. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Despite its armor protection and suitable main gun, the M48 Tank was thrown into a war for which it was not directly intended for. By Devin Stair Transition Year
The RPG-7 Rocket Launcher (CHICOM Type-69) is a muzzle loaded, shoulder fired antitank grenade launcher. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Transport Used During The Vietnam War These where used to transport people and weapons during the Vietnam War: M35 ‘’Deuce And A Half’’ Truck USS Intrepid (CV-11) Aircraft Carrier The BTR-60PB Armored Vehicle LAV-100 Light Armored 4x4 Vehicle AH-1 Cobra (Helicopter) By Devin Stair Transition Year
This is a M35 ‘’Deuce And A Half’’ truck used to transport groups of soldiers In the Vietnam war. It was built in 1951. By Devin Stair Transition Year
USS Intrepid (CV-11) operating in the Philippine Sea in November 1944 USS Intrepid (CV-11) operating in the Philippine Sea in November 1944. This was used to transport many aircrafts. By Devin Stair Transition Year
The BTR-60PB is an armored vehicle that is fully amphibious and can carry 14 fully-loaded combat personnel in an enclosed passenger compartment along with a variety of cargo. By Devin Stair Transition Year
LAV-100 is a light armored 4x4 vehicle that was used by the US Army during the Vietnam War. The vehicle is capable of decent off-road and highway speeds. By Devin Stair Transition Year
The AH-1 Cobra series of helicopters is a military's primary light attack helicopter. The fuselage featured seating with the pilot in read and gunner in front. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Medical Equipment Used In the Vietnam War US Army: Tank, ACAV/APC, Artillerymen, were equipped with 1st Aid Kits. Common grunts (infantrymen) had a 1st aid gauze packet. US Army Medics carried medical equipment, in their pouches (like a back-pack). Morphine was administered for wounded GI's, to numb the pain. By Devin Stair Transition Year
US Army: Tank, ACAV/APC and Artillerymen (pictured above), were equipped with 1st Aid Kits. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Common grunts (infantrymen) had a 1st aid gauze packet which contained a white (sometimes OD colored) cloth & cotton item to stop bleeding. By Devin Stair Transition Year
US Army Medics carried medical equipment, in their pouches (like a back-pack). Containing cloth, bandages, various medicine including Penicillin and other items pictured above. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Morphine was administered for wounded GI's, to numb the pain Morphine was administered for wounded GI's, to numb the pain. Also various other medicine was used to fight infection and to help heal the wound. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Communication During The Vietnam War During the Vietnam war people used various means to communicate such as: Backpack radios were used widely by the infantry. Helicopter and vehicle crews had the advantage of larger, fixed radios as did artillery men. The average infantryman carried at least one, and occasionally 2 color-coded signal smoke grenade. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Backpack radios were used widely by the infantry, given their portability, and decent reliability. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Helicopter and vehicle crews had the advantage of larger, fixed radios as did artillery men. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Should radios fail, the average infantryman carried at least one, and occasionally 2 color-coded signal smoke grenades (Purple for medevac, green for pickup, etc.) By Devin Stair Transition Year
This graph shows how technology increased in use during the Vietnam war. By Devin Stair Transition Year
Sources Of Information The websites I used for my information where: Weapons: Transport: (12:15pm) Medical Equipment: (12:25pm) Communication: (12: 40pm) Information for graph: (12:14pm on 21st of January) Images obtained from Google Images on the 14th of January (11:35am) Information from websites gained a the 13th of January 2011. By Devin Stair Transition Year