PEREY Research & Consulting 1 Welcome
PEREY Research & Consulting 2 Getting Connected WiFi ESSID: guest Fixed line Conference Room 1 –IP : ~2 Conference Room 3 –IP : ~4 Conference Room 4 –IP : ~6 Conference Room 6 –IP : ~8 Conference Room 5 –IP : ~150 Extra –IP : ~2 Gateway DNS
PEREY Research & Consulting 3 Tweeting and Streaming If you are tweeting this meeting –#iswar2010 We are capturing the meeting –Ustream –Live and replay
PEREY Research & Consulting 4 Welcome Seoul, Korea October 11-12, 2010
PEREY Research & Consulting 55 All industries are exciting but I focus on growing the adoption of mobile AR in print/publishing and retail/commerce. Graphic generated automatically by Personas
PEREY Research & Consulting 6 Why are we all here? We’re all in “this” together Thinking/working together Move forward together!
PEREY Research & Consulting 7 We’re all in “this” together Defining “AR” is not the meeting focus Establish/build relationships - the “accordion style” workshop
PEREY Research & Consulting 8 Thinking/working together Push ourselves to understand Build - Symbology or terminology in symbols - Classification system - Draft the best possible map of the opportunities: which groups are doing what? - Which companies are involved?
PEREY Research & Consulting 9 CONTENT Providers/Publishers Packaging Delivery Enablers Providers of enabling technology Money and Statistics Merchants, Brands The Physical World wallet Sensors on devices The Digital World Social Media AR Ecosystem
PEREY Research & Consulting 10 AR Contents Provider AR Contents Provider AR Contents Markup AR Contents Markup AR User Agent AR User Agent AR Markup Renderer AR Markup Renderer Device Capability (Display, Video Camera, GPS) Device Capability (Display, Video Camera, GPS) AR Data Format (POI., Person…) AR Data Format (POI., Person…) Local Cache D/Interaction engine 3D/Interaction engine 3 3 Additional Func. 6 6 Scripting 4 4 images, text, animated and still 3D models, Voice Open Marker Database Open Marker Database 11 AR Data Provider 10 Google Local Search Google Local Search Ads AirTag AirFilter AirShout AirTag AirFilter AirShout 12 Source: AR Standardization Framework, ETRI W3C Workshop on AR on the Web, Barcelona
PEREY Research & Consulting 11 Key to the AR Issues 1.AR Content Markup & Format 2.AR content Transport/Interaction method 3.Representing 3D Interactive AR/MR Contents 4.Event Scripting Engine 5.Local Caching method 6.Additional functionality of AR Agent 7.Device Capability Access APIs 8.AR Data Mashup method 9.AR Data Format – POI(images, text, 3D models, URLs), Person.. 10.AR Data Service API 11.Open Marker Database 12.Security & Privacy 11
PEREY Research & Consulting 12 The Triggers The Data (Storage) The Data (Storage) CONTENT Sensors in the device are detecting the real world Presentation Layer 2D, 3D Optical, Aural Existing standards Existing standards Existing standards Text and Images 2D, 3D Optical, Aural
PEREY Research & Consulting 13 The Triggers The Data (Storage) The Data (Storage) CONTENT Sensors in the device are detecting the real world Presentation Layer 2D, 3D Optical, Aural Existing standards Existing standards Existing standards Text and Images 2D, 3D Optical, Aural How can data (with assoc triggers) be stored in a variety of formats which enable maximum representations? How does the content provider “publish once” and get maximum representations? How does the system abstract the type of trigger which is used? Geospatial or visual, or auditory
PEREY Research & Consulting 14 Move forward together * Identify tasks Share the knowledge developed Set dates and places for further work * and separately
PEREY Research & Consulting 15 Morning Sessions Jens de Smit, Overview Introductions –All those who have not already been introduced –The formal “bodies” represented Coffee break More plenary until 11:45 AM
PEREY Research & Consulting 16 Who is MISSING? Groups/Consortium W3C WG: –Linked Data –GeoLocalization –Semantic Sensor Web/Network –…. AR Consortium Companies Google Microsoft Apple Metaio Qualcomm LG HP Facebook –All check-in services ALL CONTENT PROVIDERS!!! Eyewear for AR –Industrial –Consumer eyewear 16
PEREY Research & Consulting 17 10:30 15 min Coffee Break Conference Room 3 Conference Room 2 Conference Room 1 Conference Room 4 Conference Room 5 Conference Room 6 Registration Desk Stair to Restaurant for Lunch Coffee Break
PEREY Research & Consulting 18 Breakout discussions The maps and gapsClassifications 18
PEREY Research & Consulting 19 International Cooperation Building Rest Room Rest Room Conference Room 3 Conference Room 2 Conference Room 1 Conference Room 4 Conference Room 5 Conference Room 6 Registration Desk Stair to Restaurant for Lunch Entrance 2F
PEREY Research & Consulting 20 3 rd Conference Room Capacity: 14
PEREY Research & Consulting 21 4 th Conference Room Capacity: 14
PEREY Research & Consulting 22 6 th Conference Room Capacity: 12
PEREY Research & Consulting 23 5 th Conference Room Capacity: 12
PEREY Research & Consulting 24 Lunch in this Building Reserved for 30 Persons’ Seats Restaurant 2F
PEREY Research & Consulting 25
PEREY Research & Consulting 26 Christine Perey PEREY Research & Consulting AR: Continuing what the Web began