Innovation at Banner Health The foundation – a culture of innovation
The Mission Statement Is it a foundation for innovation?
Banner Health’s Mission Statement: “We exist to make a difference in people’s lives through excellent patient care.”
Banner Stair-step Plan to 2020
Structure Counts! It begins at the Board.
Banner’s definition of innovation: The rapid identification and deployment of strategies leveraging Banner’s operating model and the science of care delivery to ensure an extraordinary patient experience which is safe, efficient and effective.
Decision Point A leap of confidence beats a leap of faith.
Plan the work and work the plan
Banner CPOE deployment schedule
Banner eICU implementation
Examples of implementation competency Banner Boswell Medical CenterBanner Del E. Webb Medical Center
Innovation – leadership matters
Would someone please turn on the innovation switch?
Why Banner has gone big with innovation
If it doesn’t get implemented, don’t call it innovation
What’s at Stake?