The Purpose of the Workshop Regain optimum health quickly Stay healthy for a long time Learn how to make the world a better place
What’s Wrong? Spinal Trauma X Spinal Neglect = Poor Health Trauma Birth process Off the changing table Tricycle + Stair = Ouch! Touch football Bicycle + stairs = Ouch2! Auto accident Pregnant 1,001 small accidents Neglect Maybe it will go away… Dad won’t tell mom Babies can’t tell you They never checked my… Doc said I’d be fine Can’t take the time or cash Everybody feels this way I’m just getting old Poor Health “Growing pains” Chronic illness Asthma and food allergies Headaches & no energy Neck, back and arm pain I never felt right after… Feels rotten all the time 5 different meds and climbing
Our Common Goal Chiropractic Care X T.L.C. = Good Health Your work… Treat your spine with TLC Don’t destroy our work Think before you… Health goals Diet Exercises Rest PMA Health Regained… Pain gone Condition gone Increased energy Increased resistance Increased life Live life to the fullest! When I get healthy… Our work… Treatment schedule Chiropractic adjustments Therapy Charting your progress Doing your pre-exercises Relief Correction Strengthening
Important Tips To Remember This takes time… This takes time… Everyone will have a bad day or setback Everyone will have a bad day or setback But you’ll recover much faster But you’ll recover much faster Missed appointments are serious – don’t miss Missed appointments are serious – don’t miss Think healthy spine healthy life Think healthy spine healthy life For a short time, make this a hobby Take this time to add or change exercise, diet, positive attitude, rest, etc. Decide to love the process of getting healthy and get good at it
The Three Phases of Health RELIEF PHASE CORRECTION PHASE STRENGTHENING PHASE HEALTH PAIN LINE Still in pain HEALING LINE Out of most pain and correction taking place HEALTH LINE Correction stabilized Daily Care 3-4 times a Week care 2 times a Week care Feeling Great! NERVE PRESSURE BONE BARELY OFF NERVE CORRECTION TAKING PLACE STRENGTHENED AND STABLE MAINTENANCE OF HEALTH TIME
How Can Spinal Problems Cause? Headaches Headaches Asthma Asthma Allergies Allergies Facial Paralysis Facial Paralysis Infertility Infertility Chronically ill kids Chronically ill kids Low energy Low energy Insomnia Insomnia Impotence Depression Gastro-intestinal Sick & tired Neck pain Backache Bulging/slipped disc Low resistance
Your Spine And Your Health Neck Upper back Mid back Low back Hips & Pelvis Neck Upper back Mid back Low back Hips & Pelvis
Your Spine And Your Health Spinal bones protect delicate nerves Spinal bones protect delicate nerves Nerves controls everything Nerves controls everything Pressure on nerves will produce pain and/or make you sick Pressure on nerves will produce pain and/or make you sick Examples… Examples… Neck Upper back Mid back Low back Hips & Pelvis
Chiropractic Principle #1 You were born with a dynamic health potential By Design At conception … The first trimester… Throughout a long life… Innate intelligence Cells, tissues, organs, systems work with one purpose…
Chiropractic Principle #2 Your nervous system controls your health potential Your nervous system controls your health potential Nerves go everywhere, tell all bodily functions how, when and supplies the life force. Nerves direct the repair and defense of the body Nerves control every aspect of health
Chiropractic Principle #3 Nerve pressure (subluxation) lowers your health potential Pressure on nerves distorts, cuts off or destroys nerve function Pressure on nerves distorts, cuts off or destroys the bodies defense and repair Pressure on nerves cuts off the life flow HEALTHY NERVES SICK NERVES BONE OUT OF PLACE PROPER ALIGNMENT HEALTHY NERVES
Chiropractic Principle #4 Remove the pressure and watch the body heal itself The power to be healthy is already there Remove the interference to health Release Regain, rebuild and restore the power to repair and defend
Understanding Chiropractic “My cousin’s son wets the bed...” “My wife never had headaches before...” “The neighbor girl has allergies…” “Since the accident, I don’t sleep well…” “My daughter catches everything…” “Can chiropractic help __________ ?” “If chiropractic helps people get better from (?), can it keep them well?”
The Happiest Chiropractic Patients Consistent through relief, correction and strengthening… Consistent through relief, correction and strengthening… Focusing on health and wellness – not sickness and disease Focusing on health and wellness – not sickness and disease Keep their spines free of nerve impingement (subluxation) with a periodic checkup… Keep their spines free of nerve impingement (subluxation) with a periodic checkup…
The Relief Phase Of Health RELIEF PHASE PAIN LINE Still in pain Daily Care NERVE PRESSURE BONE BARELY OFF NERVE TIME Keep all your appointments Keep all your appointments Rest and don’t undo our work Rest and don’t undo our work Tell your doctor the good and the bad Tell your doctor the good and the bad
The Three Phases of Health RELIEF PHASE CORRECTION PHASE STRENGTHENING PHASE HEALTH PAIN LINE Still in pain HEALING LINE Out of most pain and correction taking place HEALTH LINE Correction stabilized Daily Care 3-4 times a Week care 2 times a Week care Feeling Great! NERVE PRESSURE BONE BARELY OFF NERVE CORRECTION TAKING PLACE STRENGTHENED AND STABLE MAINTENANCE OF HEALTH TIME