Macbeth Jeopardy Act IAct IIAct IIIAct IV Act V Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.


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Presentation transcript:

Macbeth Jeopardy Act IAct IIAct IIIAct IV Act V Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Act I Macdonwald

$100 Answer from Act I Who is the rebel opposing the Scottish army that Macbeth killed In battle?

$200 Question from Act I Holinshed’s Chronicles

$200 Answer from Act I What is the historical source for Shakespeare's Macbeth?

$300 Question from Act I Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, King hereafter

$300 Answer from Act I What are all of Macbeth’s titles?

$400 Question from Act I Thane of Cawdor (original)

$400 Answer from Act I Who is branded a traitor because he changed sides during the battle?

$500 Question from Act I “Like valor’s minion carved out his passage till he faced the slave..till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops”

$500 Answer from Act I Who is the captain?

$100 Question from Act II Chamberlains (Duncan’s servants)

$100 Answer from Act II Who are blamed for Duncan’s death and killed by Macbeth before they can be questioned?

$200 Question from Act II A bloody dagger

$200 Answer from Act II What vision does Macbeth see before he goes to kill Duncan?

$300 Question from Act II Comic Relief

$300 Answer from Act II The Porter’s speech which provides a break in the dramatic action.

$400 Question from Act II “To Ireland, I. Our separated fortune shall keep us both the safer”

$400 Answer from Act II Who is Donalbain?

$500 Question from Act II The reason that Lady Macbeth feels “bold”

$500 Answer from Act II What is alcohol?

$100 Question from Act III “O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!”

$100 Answer from Act III Who is Banquo?

$200 Question from Act III Because his sons will be kings.

$200 Answer from Act III Why does Macbeth want Banquo killed?

$300 Question from Act III Fleance and Banquo

$300 Answer from Act III Who the three murders are to kill?

$400 Question from Act III Banqo’s bloody ghost

$400 Answer from Act III What vision does Macbeth’s guilty conscience cause him to see?

$500 Question from Act III The big switch in personalities And character traits in ACT III

$500 Answer from Act III What is Macbeth becoming more Ruthless and telling his wife to act Like nothing is wrong?

$100 Question from Act IV A crowned child with a tree

$100 Answer from Act IV What is the third apparition?

$200 Question from Act IV Macbeth has “been like this Since he was a child”

$200 Answer from Act IV What is the lie Lady Macbeth told At the banquet so that their guests Did not know Macbeth was Riddled with guilt?

$300 Question from Act IV She has done nothing wrong to deserve being killed.

$300 Answer from Act IV What is Lady Macduff’s reason she Will not flee after the messenger Warns her?

$400 Question from Act IV “Thou art a shag haired villain!”

$400 Answer from Act IV What is what Lady Macduff’s son Says to the murderers?

$500 Question from Act IV No man born of woman shall harm Macbeth

$500 Answer from Act IV What does the first apparition say to Macbeth?

$100 Question from Act V Out, damned spot! out, I say!-- One: two: why, then, 'tis time to do't.--Hell is murky!--Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard?

$100 Answer from Act V What is Lady Macbeth’s guilty break into madness?

$200 Question from Act V “If thou couldst, doctor, cast The water of my land, find her disease, And purge it to a sound and pristine health”

$200 Answer from Act V What/who is Macbeth talking to the doctor About trying to heal his wife?

$300 Question from Act V “Cut down a branch and hide our Numbers...”

$300 Answer from Act V What does Malcolm tell his army to do so that Macbeth will not know how many men he has?

$400 Question from Act V Macduff

$400 Answer from Act V Who finally kills Macbeth?

$500 Question from Act V “Painted on a pole, and underwrit, 'Here may you see the tyrant.‘”

$500 Answer from Act V What is Macduff pointing out Macbeth’s head on a stick?

Final Jeopardy “There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face.” (Speaker and explanation)

Final Jeopardy Answer Who Duncan? He is explaining that one cannot read a man’s character based on his looks. This relates to Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s deceiving appearances.

Curriculum Standards Learning Expectations: 2.01: Develop an understanding of and respect for multicultural, gender, and ethnic diversity in language use, patterns, and dialects, as well as for the development of the English language. 2.01: Develop an understanding of and respect for multicultural, gender, and ethnic diversity in language use, patterns, and dialects, as well as for the development of the English language. 2.02: Extend reading vocabulary. 2.02: Extend reading vocabulary. 2.04: Improve comprehension by interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating written text. 2.04: Improve comprehension by interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating written text. 2.05: Reflect on strategies used by the reader to make meaning from text. 2.05: Reflect on strategies used by the reader to make meaning from text. 2.06: Increase fluency in oral reading. 2.06: Increase fluency in oral reading.

Curriculum Standards 2.08: Determine the effectiveness of figurative language in various texts. 2.08: Determine the effectiveness of figurative language in various texts. 2.09: Determine the impact of literary elements on texts. 2.09: Determine the impact of literary elements on texts. 2.11: Interpret ideas, recognize logical relationships, and make judgments based on sufficient evidence. 2.11: Interpret ideas, recognize logical relationships, and make judgments based on sufficient evidence. 2.12: Recognize the influence of an author's background, biases, gender, environment, and experience on a literary work. 2.12: Recognize the influence of an author's background, biases, gender, environment, and experience on a literary work. 2.13: Consult resource materials to increase understanding of text. 2.13: Consult resource materials to increase understanding of text. 2.14: Read, respond to, and interpret print and nonprint text. 2.14: Read, respond to, and interpret print and nonprint text. 2.15: Respond to reading selections by making connections.2.15: Respond to reading selections by making connections.