A Theft-Based Approach to 3D Object Acquisition Ronit Slyper Jim McCann
Outline Previous Work Our Method Results Future Work
Previous Work Commercial Contact Scanners Non-contact Scanners Coordinate Measuring Machine Laser Range Finder
Previous Work (continued) Real-Time 3D Model Acquisition (Rusinkiewicz, Hall-Holt, Levoy) Structured-light rangefinder, iterative closed-points for alignment, point-based merging and rendering algorithms 60 Hz
Weaknesses of Previous Work Inexact Range / accuracy tradeoff for laser rangefinders Finite accuracy Computer-intensive Point alignment, triangulation Stationary objects
Our Method We propose a theft-based object acquisition system Exact surface and material acquired No expensive hardware Data-set may be viewed in real-time with no expensive precomputation For many objects, acquisition is of low time & space complexity (i.e., trivial)
Methods The exact theft-based method we used is based on a heuristic we call “casing”. Grab-and-Run Yoink Advanced techniques Bribery, subterfuge, etc (see paper) Under development: The Siggraph Blackmail
Results Stanford bunny model acquisition
Future Work Additional theft-based methods Ninjas, pirates, grad students Punishment and arrest alleviation Cache-based approach
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