SAFE & CLEAN NEIGHBORHOOD FUND Keep Cincinnati Beautiful Linda Holterhoff, Executive Director City of Cincinnati
Safe and Clean Fund $50,000 available each year $10,000 max. per neighborhood project Reimbursable funds The Fund Advisory Committee reviews grant applications and makes recommendations two times a year.
Goals Improve safety, eliminate blight, improve livability Provide financial support for immediate, short-term, high- impact initiatives Must be neighborhood-driven
Who Can Apply? Community and neighborhood groups or organizations Recipient must be a legal entity with a tax ID # (SSN qualifies)
Results-Oriented Projects must demonstrate measurable outcomes Results can be changes in safety, cleanliness and/or livability
How to Apply All applications must follow the SARA Model Scanning Analysis Response Assessment
Review of cover page: Contact Information Grant Request Neighborhood Match Total Budget Communities served How to Apply
Question 1: The SARA Model Victim Offender Location
Scanning Identify and define the problem. Use community knowledge, crime data, maps, etc. to explain the situation that must change in order to make the neighborhood safer, cleaner, and more livable. Crime data should be specific to the problem at hand, either by type or location.
Scanning example Theft from Auto Location (neighborhood): OTR Location (specific): West End Dayton Street
Analysis Identify problem characteristics and underlying causes of the situation through analysis of information and data Analysis seeks to explain why the problem or situation occurs
Analysis example OTR: Time of theft Business District related Dayton Street: Overhanging trees No light
Response Describe the specific solution which will alleviate or eliminate the problem, condition, or situation. Describe how the response will have a positive impact.
Response example OTR Increased foot patrols during peak hours. Educational flyers in bars Dayton Street Increased lighting in keeping with historical nature of housing
Assessment Describe specific measurable outcomes. Examples: Decrease in theft from auto
Question 2 Time Table Specific steps/activities Who will do them Dates of implementation
Question 3 Neighborhood Involvement How was the community involved in the planning for your application? How are they involved in the implementation of the project?
Question 4 City Departments/Gov’t. Agencies Who did you work with to put the grant application together? What did they do?
Question 5 Measurable Outcomes Short-term? Long-term?
Question 6 Other possible funders Has been/will be submitted to? Amount requested? Status? Leveraging information
Question 7 Budget Supplies/Materials Personnel Services Capital Use forms provided
Question 7 Neighborhood Match Volunteer Time Materials Services Cash Use form provided
Volunteer Labor Value Clean up: $20.65 p/hr Youth: $20.65 p/hr Board/committee members: $20.65 p/hr Professionals: current market/hr
Considerations Severity of the problem and potential for immediate impact Response must have a public impact Matching funds Leverage of resources (dollars, volunteers) Safe and Clean are the key goals and outcomes must be related to one or both
Resources Citizens on Patrol CPOP Teams Community Councils, Neighborhood Business District Association/Leaders Neighborhood Liaison Officers Keep Cincinnati Beautiful ( )
Neighborhood Liaison Officers District 1: Sgt. Steve Saunders District 2: Sgt. Casandra Tucker District 3: Sgt. Sal Tufano District 4: Sgt. Gil Thompson District 5: Sgt. Jason Voelkerding
Application Deadlines February 7, 2014 Next Round Deadline (if funds available) August 1, 2014 Must be received by KCB by 5:00 p.m. on due date. Office Address Attn: Keep Cincinnati Beautiful 1115 Bates Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45225
Reporting Final report due 1 year after contract signed Process, Results, Measured Outcomes Not providing report forfeits future funding opportunities Include photos
Safe And Clean Fund Thank you! Good luck! Linda Holterhoff, Executive Director Keep Cincinnati Beautiful 1115 Bates Avenue Cincinnati OH Marissa Burroughs, Grant Manager (513)