Livestock We have markets that can cover the following animals, at a facility/farm and/or in transit Embryos/ Semen Sheep/GoatsSwine CamelidsPoultry Marine Mammals Zoo Animals Exotic Animals Cattle
Products All Risks of Mortality Restricted Perils Business Interruption Accidental and External Injury Theft Limited Government Slaughter Our Insurance Markets offer the following products:
Territories Worldwide including, but not limited to, Australia, Europe, Canada and U.S.A
The Difference Houlder Insurance Services Limited has a Livestock Facility with XL London Market (Lloyd’s Syndicate) 24 Hour response time, with realistic comments and recommendations Dedicated team with in excess of 75 years Insurance experience Emphasis placed on client, and client needs Strong Broker/Underwriter personal relationship Lloyd’s Broker, situated within the heart of London’s Insurance sector
Contact Details Address: Tel: Fax: Michael’s House, Alie Street, London E14 8DE +44 (0) (0) DAVID PRATT-SINCLAIRJAMES SERGEANTDOMINIC SAMUELSON Direct Line: Direct Line: Direct Line: Fax: Fax: Fax:
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