Independence for India. The Growth of Nationalism What factors under British rule contributed to a growing nationalist feeling in India? What factors.


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Presentation transcript:

Independence for India

The Growth of Nationalism What factors under British rule contributed to a growing nationalist feeling in India? What factors under British rule contributed to a growing nationalist feeling in India? –Better communication Railroad system, postal and telegraph system Railroad system, postal and telegraph system Common language spoken by educated people Common language spoken by educated people –Schools taught Western ideas of democracy, unification and independence –Single law established under a single government –Resentment of British rule and racism, united groups of Indians

Formation of the Congress Party Formed in 1885 by a group of Indians with the support of a few Englishmen Formed in 1885 by a group of Indians with the support of a few Englishmen Made up at first of mostly intellectuals and professionals with moderate leaders – after 1900 grew rapidly Made up at first of mostly intellectuals and professionals with moderate leaders – after 1900 grew rapidly Chief demands: Chief demands: –greater Indian participation in govt. –holding civil service in India as well as London –more Indians employed in public service –increased education

The Party isn’t enough for everyone though… Bal G. Tilak, preached terrorism and violence against the British – jailed for murdering Brit. Officials Bal G. Tilak, preached terrorism and violence against the British – jailed for murdering Brit. Officials In 1906 the All India Muslim League is created, (fear of Hindu majority rule) In 1906 the All India Muslim League is created, (fear of Hindu majority rule) Sometimes these organizations butted heads when religious tensions were high Sometimes these organizations butted heads when religious tensions were high

First British Govt. Reforms Congress gets some reforms pushed through Congress gets some reforms pushed through Morley-Minto Reforms Morley-Minto Reforms –Increased elected membership for Indians in legislature –Permitted separate representation for Muslims

WWI Effects Relations More Muslims and Hindu Indians support British, over 1 million fight overseas in Brit. Army and princes donate lots of $ Muslims and Hindu Indians support British, over 1 million fight overseas in Brit. Army and princes donate lots of $ 14 Points of Woodrow Wilson call for “self- determination for all peoples” – fire up hope for independence 14 Points of Woodrow Wilson call for “self- determination for all peoples” – fire up hope for independence Russian Revolution of 1917 overthrow of czar – deepens conviction that freedom is possible Russian Revolution of 1917 overthrow of czar – deepens conviction that freedom is possible

Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 Increased degree of self-govt. in Indian provinces – given control of education, agriculture and public health Increased degree of self-govt. in Indian provinces – given control of education, agriculture and public health Increased amount of Indian voters for legislative Assembly Increased amount of Indian voters for legislative Assembly Viceroy still has control over finance, taxes, police, foreign trade, and foreign policies Viceroy still has control over finance, taxes, police, foreign trade, and foreign policies Is this enough? Heck NO! – political and social unrest persists Is this enough? Heck NO! – political and social unrest persists

Rowlatt Laws – Amritsar Massacre Gave judges power to try political cases without juries and govt. the power to imprison suspects without trial Gave judges power to try political cases without juries and govt. the power to imprison suspects without trial Protests followed, resulted in Amritsar Massacre in 1919 Protests followed, resulted in Amritsar Massacre in 1919 –380 unarmed Indians killed, 1,200 wounded

Mohandas K. Gandhi Educated in England, received law degree and took job in Africa – fought for Indian rights there Educated in England, received law degree and took job in Africa – fought for Indian rights there Promoted mass resistance through nonviolence – Satyagraha Promoted mass resistance through nonviolence – Satyagraha –An opponent can be won over more surely by love, patience, and sympathy than by force Civil Disobedience – Headquarters in Ashram Civil Disobedience – Headquarters in Ashram Argued for better treatment of untouchables, renaming them harijans, (children of God) Argued for better treatment of untouchables, renaming them harijans, (children of God)

Gandhi’s Contributions to Indian Nationalism Introduced highly successful methods of nonviolent non- cooperation and civil disobedience Introduced highly successful methods of nonviolent non- cooperation and civil disobedience Changed the base of the movement for complete independence into mass movement supported by millions Changed the base of the movement for complete independence into mass movement supported by millions Brought into nationalism movement the concepts of social justice and equality Brought into nationalism movement the concepts of social justice and equality

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