Lesson 19: Paul’s First Missionary Journey (1): From Antioch to Antioch (12:25-13:52)
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study A.There is a transition in Luke’s historical record between Acts 12 and Acts 13. B.Some important facts about Paul’s First Missionary Journey: 1.From verse 13:1 thru 14:28 Approx. Dates: A.D. 2.Travel Companions: Paul, Barnabas, John Mark 3.Sent forth from the church in Antioch Traveled thru Cyprus and parts of Asia Minor C.The church in Antioch was a thriving hub of activity and leadership (12:25-13:3). 1.Numerous prophets and teachers ministered to the Lord there (13:1-2). 2.The church in Antioch became the launching pad for Paul’s missionary journeys (3:3). I.
A.Impartiality in the Lord’s church is possible and required! (13:1; cf. Jas. 2:1-9) B.The “laying on of hands” in the New Testament had various meanings/purposes. 1.The apostles laid hands to impart miraculous power of the Spirit (Ac. 8:14-19; 19:6). 2.Early Christians, with this miraculous gift, laid hands to heal (Acts 9:17; 28:8). 3.Elders & church leaders laid hands as a sign of confidence and Godspeed (Acts 13:3). 4.Civil authorities laid hands to arrest and imprison (Acts 4:3; 5:18; 21:27). C.The Holy Spirit is a person! (13:1-4) II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study D.Paul and his companions traveled through and preached in Cyprus (13:4-12). 1.They met two very different men in Paphos: a)Bar-Jesus/Elymas was a sorcerer, false prophet, who perverted God’s ways (6-11). b)Sergius Paulus was the proconsul, who sought to hear the word of God (7, 12). 2.These two very different men had two very different effects from the gospel: a)Bar-Jesus/Elymas was struck blind for seeking to turn Sergius from the faith (8, 11). b)Sergius Paulus obeyed the gospel & became a Christian (13:12; cf. 4:32; 5:14; 16:34). I.
D.Those who oppose truth and seek to turn others away from the truth (13:9-11): 1.Are full of all deceit and all fraud/villainy; 2.Are sons of the devil; 3.Are enemies of all righteousness; 4.Pervert the straight ways of the Lord; 5.Need to be called out; 6.Are blind leaders of blind (Lk. 6:39); 7.Will be punished. E.Miracles, whether benevolent or punitive, always had the same purpose! II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study E.Synagogues were a common gathering place (esp. for Jews) in the first century (13:5, 14). 1.The exact origin of synagogues is unknown, but perhaps during Babylonian exile. 2.Primary purpose was not worship but public reading & instruction of Scripture (13:15). 3.A community of Jews with 10+ males was required to have their own synagogue. 4.Paul customarily went to synagogues, knowing he would find an audience of people already interested in God and Scripture (not to engage in Jewish worship or rituals). I.
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study F.Paul preached a message of hope to Jews & Gentiles in Antioch in Pisidia (13:13-41). 1.God made a promise to Israel to give them the land of Canaan (13:16-19). 2.God made a promise to David to give a Savior from his lineage (13:20-25). 3.God made a promise to the fathers that the Christ would conquer death (13:26-37). 4.God made a promise to all of forgiveness & justification for obeying Him (13:38-41). 5.The history of Israel leads naturally into the gospel story (cf. Gal. 3:19-4:7). 6.God kept all His promises; Christ fulfilled all prophecies. I.
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study G.The gospel brought mixed responses in Antioch in Pisidia (13:42-52). 1.Some begged that these words might be preached the next week (13:42). 2.Many “followed” (perhaps “obeyed”) and were urged “to continue” (13:43). 3.Almost the whole city came together the next week to hear the word of God (13:44). 4.Many Jews rejected the gospel (13:45, 50). 5.Paul announced that he would turn his efforts to the Gentiles (13:46). 6.Having been rejected, they “shook off the dust from their feet” (13:51; cf. Mt. 10:14). I.
G.It is possible for one to “fall from grace” (cf. Gal. 5:4); therefore, it is of critical importance to urge Christians to “continue in the grace of God” (13:43) and not fall. H.Being predestined unconditionally to salvation is not taught anywhere in Scripture! 1.The Gentiles in 13:48 are contrasted with the Jews in 13:46. Both made a choice! 2.The Jews thrust away from themselves the word of salvation. The Gentiles received and believed the word of salvation. 3.The Jews determined themselves unworthy of eternal life. The Gentiles appointed themselves to accept eternal life. 4.The Gentiles who believed (obeyed) were appointed to eternal life (by their choice). II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
A.Christians must learn to look beyond the externals and treat each other as equals. B.Even if others try to oppose us and deter us, we need to seek the Word of God always! C.There are people we can teach who are already open to God and the Bible! D.While we may not be able to see it, we must believe that God is always at work among us! E.We must remember that it’s ok to “shake the dust off our feet” and move on. III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives