FEMINISTIC SELF Count On A Woman To Really Know Herself
Alternatives The 1 st alternative: The Feminist Philosophers’ stand There is a sound foundation of feminist philosophers’ claim that women’s view of her ‘self’ is different from man. The 2 nd alternative: The Critics of Feminist Philosophy There is no difference between how the self is defined for men and women.
Introduction “All that has been written about women by men should be suspect, for the men are at once judge and party to the lawsuit. Being men, those who have made and compiled the laws have favored their own sex, and jurists have elevated these laws into principles.” - Poulain de la Barre
Introduction Activity! In the piece of paper given, please write down how you see yourself in 5-10 years time. Time allotted: 3 mins.
Feminism Today Embed video here Name of the artist in the video Then probably just mention verbally something about her na lang
Simoune de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (1949) Masculinity as Normalcy, Woman as Peculiarity What is a Woman? “To state the question is, to me, to suggest, at once, a preliminary answer. The fact that I ask it is in itself significant.” Man: Man represents both the positive and the neutral, as is indicated by the common use of man to designate human beings in general Woman’s Peculiarity: Man regards the body of woman as a hindrance, a prison, weighed down by everything peculiar to it; Woman has ovaries, a uterus: these peculiarities imprison her in her subjectivity, circumscribe her within the limits of her own nature
Simoune de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (1949) Man as Absolute, Woman as Other Relative Being to Man; not autonomous but incidental; inessential (object-woman) as opposed to the essential (subject-man) St. Thomas: ‘imperfect man’, an ‘incidental’ being Rapport d’Uriel “Man can think of himself without woman. She cannot think of herself without man.” For him she is sex – absolute sex SocietyHegel, it is natural for him to be hostile against those who are different from him—in this light, is the woman is the most different from him.
Simoune de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (1949) Master–Slave Relation “No subject will readily volunteer to become the object, the inessential; it is not the Other who, in defining himself as the Other, establishes the One. The Other is posed as such by the One in defining himself as the One. But if the Other is not to regain the status of being the One, he must be submissive enough to accept this alien point of view.” Conscious yet continued submission Failure to bring about the necessary change because Woman’s existence has been equally dependent on the existence of man
Simoune de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (1949) Master–Slave Relation Indeed, along with the ethical urge of each individual to affirm his subjective existence, there is also the temptation to forgo liberty and become a thing. This is an inauspicious road, for he who takes it – passive, lost, ruined – becomes henceforth the creature of another’s will, frustrated in his transcendence and deprived of every value. But it is an easy road; on it one avoids the strain involved in undertaking an authentic existence. When man makes of woman the Other, he may, then, expect to manifest deep-seated tendencies towards complicity. Thus, woman may fail to lay claim to the status of subject because she lacks definite resources, because she feels the necessary bond that ties her to man regardless of reciprocity, and because she is often very well pleased with her role as the Other.
Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch (1972) Females are considered as sexual objects for the appreciation of sexual beings—that is, men. “For women…demands are made upon them to contour their bodies in order to please the eyes of the others.” Women hence become so insecure that they do everything to satisfy such demands whether it is rational or not.
Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch (1972) The Stereotype “…more than body than soul, more soul than mind.” “All that exist, exists to beautify her.” Women are there to showcase of wealth and caste. “She is the Sexual Object sought by all men, and by all women... Her value is solely attested by the demand she excites in others. All she must contribute is her existence… She need never give positive evidence of her moral character because virtue is assumed from her loveliness, and her passivity.”
Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch (1972) The Stereotype “the more trouble she can cause, the more her stocks pile up, for possession of her means the more demand she excites” “Her essential quality is castratedness. She absolutely must be young, her body hairless, her flesh buoyant, and she must not have a sexual organ. No musculature must distort the smoothness of the lines of her body, although she may be painfully slender or warmly cuddly. Her expression must betray no hint of humor, curiosity or intelligence…”
Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch (1972) Womanpower “like a woman” phenomenon when you ask a woman about herself, she understands it to be her body Womanpower means the self-determination of women