Speed Read (5min) Presidents video(5min) Birth of a New Nation Power Point (30min) Lunch Work Day for Newspaper Project
George Washington becomes president Bill of Rights Reason that the Anti-Federalist allowed the Constitution to be ratified Judiciary Act of 1789 Set up Court System
Assume State Debt (21.5) Pay off bonds for face value Create a national Bank Necessary and Proper Clause Import Tariffs Excise Tax (Whiskey Tax) Led to Whiskey Rebellion Avoided Taxing Manufacturing
Formed due to Hamilton and Jeffersonian Differences Federalist v Anti-Federalist What did Washington Say about Political Parties?
Washington made it clear No alliances but trade alliances French Revolution Democracy!! We helped you!!!! Cant Jeopardize trade with Britain Hamilton saw them key to economic development
No Political Parties No alliances No debt Set precedent of 2 terms for office
Leave the Ohio Valley False promise Pay damages to American Shipping US had to pay debts owed to Britain merchants on pre-Revolutionary Accounts
Spain Gave US everything Free navigation of the Mississippi The right of deposit in New Orleans Gave the disputed territory of western Florida
XYZ Affair Aliens Law Ability to deport foreigners in peace time or imprison them in time of hostility Sedition Act If you impede Government function then you can be subjected to fine or imprisonment