Creating displays that sell! Merchandise Displays
Visual Merchandising VM is no longer just a matter of making merchandise look attractive for the customer It is the actual selling of merchandise through a visual medium. VM is a way for stores to say “This is who we are and what we stand for”.
An understanding of basic visual merchandising concepts and theory is essential to the effective presentation of a store and it’s merchandise to the customer
Effective displays Increase sales and profits!
In order to achieve this result, displays must be carefully planned,built according to certain basic principles and then monitored regularly
Display Points The displays you create inside your shop or showroom can make the difference between a store that is ‘ordinary’ and featureless,or a store that is ‘alive’ with visual stimulation and interesting merchandise presentation.
#They are a silent salesperson #To show associated or related merchandise #To add interest to the store Why Do We Create these Displays?
# To create or reinforce the store image #To pass on information # To highlight an area #To lead (or draw) customers to specific areas TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO BUY!