Managing Your Returns Process
2 Remote Shopping is Growing December 2002 NRF Sales Data Direct retail up 18.1% Store sales up 2.2% More room to grow Brick & mortar approximately 90% of retail 5.7% 38.5% 4.1% DMA Estimates of Consumer Sales Growth Total Retail Catalog Internet
3 Fast Fact Today 34 million households shop online 2008 Projection 63 million households will shop online Source: Forresters Research, July 2003
4 "Reverse Logistics costs may exceed $35 billion a year for U.S. companies." Reverse Logistics Executive Council 2002 "Consumer-Direct return volumes are forecasted at 182 M units in 2003." Colography Group 2002 Market Forecasts
USPS Volume and Share Gartner Census DMA Colography Forrester % 12%31% 50% USPS Market Share
6 USPS Offering Today Recently revised website to make returns more visible Consumer - Selected Promote “Click-N-Ship” for returns Merchant - Directed Promote Merchandise Return Service Electronic Merchandise Return (Web tool)
7 Merchandise Return Service Options Level of service Priority Mail Package Services Parcel Post, Special Standard, Bound Printed Matter, Library Rate Special Services Insurance Delivery Confirmation Mailing Acknowledgement
8 Benefits of Merchandise Return Service Merchant controls Label distribution With order, by mail, , online or fax Level & cost of service Where returns are delivered Merchant only charged for packages returned Customers simply affix the label to the package Drop it in a collection box Hand it to their letter carrier Bring it to any Post Office location
9 Commercial Challenge USPS is not the dominate player in the ground shipping business By default, many customers return items using the carrier that delivered their merchandise Capturing a greater piece of the returns market requires a greater incentive
10 Commercial Pricing Opportunity Parcel Select success Use our available pricing tools Worksharing discounts Lower prices in exchange for cost- reducing behavior
Non-Workshared Workshared Parcel Post Volume Trend “Workshare Re-bound”
12 Parcel Return Services Experiment Two year experiment 3 rd year if permanent classification filed Three new rates offered Parcel Select Return Service RDU Parcel Select Return Service RBMC Bound Printed Matter Return Service RBMC Drop ship in reverse – bulk pickup at a delivery unit or bulk mail center Avoids downstream transportation, processing and “weigh-and-rate” calculations
13 Current Merchandise Return Service Consumer Inter Parcel Post, 3-lb, Zone 6 machinable parcel$5.71 Intra Parcel Post, 3-lb, Zone 3 machinable parcel$4.11 Post Office Merchant P & DC Origin Bulk Mail Center P & DC Destinating Bulk Mail Center
14 Parcel Return Services Return BMC Option Consumer Originating Post Office Return BMC Merchant or Agent $5.71 MRS Inter-PP, 3-lb, Zone 3 machinable $4.11MRS Intra-BMC, 3-lb, Zone 6 machinable parcel $3.25Parcel Return Services RBMC rate $ $2.46 Savings P & DC
15 Parcel Return Services Return Delivery Unit Option Consumer Return Delivery Unit Merchant or Agent Flat rate of $2 per piece, regardless of weight First USPS “flat rate” parcel price
16 Contribution PriceCostContribution Inter BMC 1 $5.71$5.37$0.34 Intra BMC 2 $4.61$4.15$0.46 RBMC$3.74$2.84$0.89 RDU$2.00$1.10$ Based on a 3 LB, Zone 6 Machinable Parcel 2 Based on a 3 LB, Zone 3 Machinable Parcel
17 Parcel Return Services Similarities to Merchandise Return Service No postage required on return label Only pay for labels returned Annual permit & accounting fee No special services included Postage paid through CAPS account
18 Parcel Return Services New features & requirements RDU Automated payment Residual pickup at servicing BMC RBMC Agent manifests return parcels Pickup every 48 hours at minimum Phase II will use e-VS Parcel Return Services barcode Postal routing barcode Only one permit and accounting fee required nationwide
19 Parcel Return Services Labels Unique legend box identifying the item as Parcel Select or Bound Printed Matter Return Service The destination address of the RDU or RBMC Human-readable unique Mailer ID Parcel Return Services barcode Postal routing barcode
20 Labels Unique legend box identifying the item as Bound Printed Matter Return Service
21 Offering a commercial parcel returns option will better position the USPS USPS Consumer Driven USPS Merchandise Return Service Competitor Return Service USPS Parcel Return Service Convenience Print Labels Merchant Payment Commercial Pricing Bundling Capabilities * Consumer Notification and Payment * Merchandise Inventory and Logistic Services * Tracking Potential Partnership w/ FedEx, UPS, etc. * Could be provided by 3 rd party logistics providers
22 Who Qualifies? Up to 20 participants during 1 st year Additional 10 during 2 nd year Must pick up parcels from RDU or RBMC Every 48 hours Must be able to manifest parcels within 48 hours of pickup for RBMC RDU automatically charged from “Available for Pickup” scan Use logistics partner Consolidators Reverse logistics companies
23 How to Become a Participant? Send a letter or the request to: Manager, Mailing Standards See Postal Bulletin (Oct 2, 2003) for list of information required USPS review panel evaluates requests Approved participants will receive copy of service agreement and technical development guide
24 Participant Responsibilities Prior to startup, mailer must: Complete and sign service agreement Complete system development Returns manifesting system e-VS file certification Open unique PRS Permit & Accounting Fee Receive approval for PRS client labels Develop pickup schedule with RDU/RBMC
Uniform Code Council/European Article Number (UCC/EAN) Code 128 Barcode Symbology
26 Parcel Barcodes Until January 9, 2004 parcel barcodes labels can be printed using one of the following barcode symbologies: UCC/EAN Code 128 USS Code 128 USS Code I 2/5 USS Code 39
27 Parcel Barcode Switch Date Effective January 10, 2004 parcel mailers who want to qualify for the parcel barcode discount must print labels using the UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode. UCC/EAN Code 128 Barcode is: accepted industry-wide as one of the most reliable and compact formats available today more flexible and more compatible with the Delivery Confirmation barcode
28 UCC/EAN Code 128 Barcode Symbology Delivery Sort ZIP Code (5-digit ZIP Code or the ZIP+4 Code ) UCC/EAN Code 128 – Concatenated – Code Structure (Combines the 5-digit postal routing code and 20-digit Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation information)
29 Confirmation Barcodes Switch date for the Delivery and Signature Confirmation Barcode Symbology is September (20-digits)
30 Benefits of UCC/EAN Code 128 Barcode Variable Length Barcode 5 digits up to 29 digits. Improvement of first time read rates Increased accuracy Reduction of manual processing Built in error detection
31 Barcode Issues Non-compliance of current DMM specifications Poor quality mailer applied barcode Applying multiple barcodes No barcode address label found on parcel Barcode label partially covered with another barcode label Barcode label damaged due to improper placement