SINGING TO A GREENER TUNE Current status of the music industry in addressing environmental sustainability Desktop research 24 survey responses from across 13 countries Continued responses, feedback and engagement sought Results of this meeting will add content and direction to the report and initiative. Report prepared by Meegan Jones & Xenya Scanlon March 2010
Partnering of music and environment is in evidence across many nations, however… Established programmes, research, resources, solutions providers, and actual greening activities undertaken, are clustered in UK, Europe, North America and Australia. Disparity between developed, emerging and developing nations in awareness of environmental issues as they relate to the music industry, as well availability of knowledge, tools and availability of solutions. OVERARCHING FINDINGS
Many bands and festivals are creating campaigns and initiatives to promote environmental causes or to “green” their activities and engage their audiences. There are existing industry-led networks and campaigns which could be expanded at an international level. The numerous local campaigns and initiatives remain perhaps the most effective and relevant for local audiences. EXISTING ACTIVITY
INDUSTRY IMPACTS Transport (audience, equipment and supplies) Energy consumption Waste generation An increase of consumerism and throw-away culture
BARRIERS Lack of industry-wide regulation in the area of environmental sustainability and few formal external drivers. Insufficient know-how and availability of skilled staff. Financial investment needed to undertake a thorough ‘greening’. Lack of solutions available in some regions.
Facilitate networking between existing industry initiatives, mainly in developed countries, and those regions and countries where there are none. Assist in reducing the skills and knowledge gap in “greening” the music industry internationally. Spearhead or catalyze targeted campaigns to address opportunities for greening of the industry or communicating wide-scale environmental issues through music industry activities. OPPORTUNITIES FOR UN M&E INITIATIVE
OVERVIEW OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Sustainable Touring Green Music Events Supporting Environmental Causes Audience Engagement Green Venues Green Music Production - Studios - CDs/Digital Delivery - Instruments & Equipment Ticketing Merchandise
OVERVIEW OF EXISTING RESOURCES There are many resources currently available to guide music event producers how to ‘go green’ and to show bands how to ‘tour green’. However, these tools are not centralized, harmonized or accessible in languages other than English. Greening Guides Industry associations and info portals Consultants and indentured staff Greening Partners (NGOs) Supply chain driven Training & professional development Management & measurement tools Standards, Certifications and Awards Regulation Public disclosure and CSR Reporting
OVERVIEW OF OPPORTUNITIES The results of this research report illuminate areas of opportunity and further discovery. Activating Change Resources Festival and Live Music Event Producers Solutions providers Musicians/Bands Music Delivery Venues Audience Consultants/Staff Regulating, licensing and funding bodies Sponsors Environmental Campaigns & Initiatives Awards Tools & Auditing Certification, Best Practice, Eco-Labelling
BENEFITS & MOTIVATORS Please reflect on … In order to tune the industry into ‘going green’ it is necessary to not only identify what the benefits of doing so are, but also what will motivate key industry players to action.