Energy Sector in Indonesia is shifting from the traditional usage of oil to natural gas. With the new national-elected leader of Indonesia, the new paradigm can be accelerated to meet the thirst of energy in fueling the economy. The potential of utilizing natural gas is assisted with the abundance of gas reserve in Indonesia, in which the estimated of the proven reserve around TSCF. Moreover, despite the long history of natural gas production in Indonesia, the usage of the natural gas for domestic purpose is gaining popularity and competitive with oil as the fuel subsidy is being removed or the oil product price is rising. In 2013, gas allocation from the domestic gas production is comprised of 3,660 BBTUD for the domestic use and 3,370 BBTUD for the export. For the domestic market, industrial sector remain to be largest proportion of gas consumers, follow by the power sector and then the fertilizer sector. The willingness of the domestic gas consumers to adapt the international price for the domestic production and to import gas from international market demonstrates their readiness to compete with in the international arena. Furthermore, the recent success in increasing a low export price of LNG to China provide confidence boost to the government to capture the advantage on the high international LNG price. In a relation to the Indonesian macro economy, natural gas is essential in determining the government budget. In recent years, the government and the parliament has included the assumption of targeted gas lifting to formulate the government’s annual budget proposal. However, the opportunity in replacing fuel oil with gas in domestic market is also facing problems because of the production constraints and the capacity. The government’s plan of increasing gas production, building more LNG receiving terminal and expansion of natural gas pipeline network is hampered with the financial capabilities, and limited land capabilities. Furthermore, the cyclical problem in questioning the availability of gas infrastructure or commitment of gas supply that come first remains to be difficult problem to solve. The new paradigm in shifting the usage of oil to gas is also a global trend and Indonesia desires to follow the same trend. Despite Indonesia’s comparative advantage to use natural gas to fuel the economy, Indonesia needs to elevate its competitive advantage. In assessing problems of gas monetization, there are remaining opportunities to develop and expand the Indonesian gas market. Major hurdles to promote the usage of gas for the domestic market should be resolved during the new government’s term. Abstract of Gas Commercial in Indonesia
Dr. Widhyawan Prawiraatmadja was appointed as Deputy Chairman for Commercial Control of SKKMigas on 8 February 2013, after previously served as Deputy Chairman for Planning and as Corporate Secretary of BPMIGAS (SKKMigas). Dr. Widhyawan earned his bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He continued his study and earned PhD in Economics from University of Hawaii in USA in Dr. Widhyawan has extensive experience in working in the energy sector, mostly in the oil and gas industry, for more than 25 years. Prior to his position in SKKMigas, Dr. Widhyawan held various key positions in Indonesian state-owned enterprise and multinational companies. He served as Country Executive for GE Energy Indonesia, and was Senior Vice President (SVP) for Corporate Planning, Business Development and Transformation of PT PERTAMINA (Persero) Dr. Widhyawan Prawiraatmadja Deputy Chairman for Commercial, SKKMigas Mr. Fathor Rahman is currently the Advisor of Energy Nusantara. Mr. Fathor earned his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1979 and his graduate degree of MSc in Energy Management from New York Institute of Technology, USA in Mr. Fathor has extensive experience in energy sector for more than 30 years, with his key roles in the past in Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), ASEAN Energy Center, Government’s Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) and SKKMigas. Fathor Rahman, BS, MSc Advisor, Energy Nusantara
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