American Military Retirees Association National Convention Williamsburg, VA June 13-14, 2014
Doubletree Hotel Lobby AMRA invites hotel guests and staff to a “group singing” of the National Anthem at 4:00pm on June 14 th to celebrate the 200 th Anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner
Foundation Board Meeting June 12, 2014
Foundation President Fred Gilman presides over the Annual Board Meeting.
Foundation Board Members
Board members review the Foundation’s financial reports.
National President Ronald K. Knepshield calls the Annual Meeting to order.
Ed Singer, Executive Vice President Of ASI gives his annual report on AMRA’s TRICARE Supplement Program.
Jeff Ray, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Selman Co. meets the AMRA Board. Selman recently acquired ASI.
Interested members sit in on the National Board Meeting
(L-R) National Director Bill Knepshield, National Chaplain John Babcock, National Directors Bill Boyle, J.B. Kump, David Cook, Vincent La Valle.
(L-R) National Directors J.B. Kump, David Cook, Vincent La Valle and Ted Painter.
National Director and Scholarship Committee Chair, Debbie Smith, presents recommendation for $35,000 in collegiate scholarships and $5,000 in vocational skills scholarships for the academic year.
National Director J.B. Kump reports on proposed amendments to the Bylaws to be presented to delegates for approval at the National Convention.
National Director and Legislative Affairs Committee Chair, Bill Knepshield, reports on the past year’s legislative activities and accomplishments.
National Director Ted Painter reports on AMRA’s Legislative efforts to amend Section 707 of the 2007 NDAA.
Delegates Reception Friday, June 13, 2014
Delegates Reception
REGISTRATION June 14, 2014
Registration – the calm before the storm.
AMRA Merchandise
Local Liberty Mutual agent Anne Burke. Liberty Mutual sponsored coffee and pastries for delegates.
Crystal Mang, AMRA Office Manager, registers delegates for the Saturday Convention.
Hampton VA Medical Center was well represented and provided valuable information and assistance.
NATIONAL CONVENTION June 14, 2014 Morning Session
National President Ronald K. Knepshield opens the first session of the National Convention.
Top Hatters Squadron of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps from Norfolk, VA.
The Top Hatters, following Posting of the Colors.
President Knepshield presents a donation for the Top Hatters Squadron to Instructor Thomas Staubly.
President Knepshield presents AMRA’s JROTC Award to Outstanding Cadet Brendan Shull.
National First Vice President Kirk Bennett presents a railroad lantern to President Knepshield before the meeting starts.
Convention delegates, intent on AMRA business.
Keynote Speaker Matt Stiner, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs as the Secretary’s Liaison to Veterans’ Service Organizations
Matt Stiner fields questions from AMRA delegates.
Time to get serious!
In the absence of the Resolutions Chair, Executive Director Peg Bergeron presents Resolutions for approval by the delegation.
National Chaplain John Babcock conducts a Memorial Service for all departed military retirees. This year special tribute was paid to Past National President John Ricci of Plattsburgh, NY.
Past National President Catherine La Valle (FL), Directors “Doc” Holloway (FL) and Roger Mick (IA).
Legislative Affairs Committee members in attendance L-R: Bill Knepshield, Chair (VA); Barry Cox (VA); Director Ted Painter (MA) and J.B. Kump (FL), Vice Chair.
Awards Luncheon June 14, 2014 Sponsored by ASI
Awards Luncheon
Guest Speaker AMRA member and author Rick Campbell spoke of the writing process and provided intriguing clues to the premise of his book, The Trident Deception.
President Knepshield presents the Chapter Communications Award to Chapter President Cathy La Valle for the Treasure Coast Chapter FL1.
Kirk Bennett, Texas Department President, accepts the Top Department Performance Award. Kirk is also National Membership Committee Chair and received AMRA’s Top Recruiter Award for the 3 rd year in a row. That’s leading by example!
Honorable Mention for recruiting went to (L-R) “Doc” Holloway (FL) and J.B. Kump. President Knepshield presented the awards.
The Top Chapter Performance Award was present by President Knepshield to Treasure Coast FL1 Chapter President Cathy La Valle (right). Kathy Baumgarten (left), President, Lake Champlain Chapter NY1, accepted an award for the chapter’s increase in membership.
Expressing his appreciation to his officers, President Knepshield presents certificates of appreciation to (left) Kirk Bennett, National First Vice President and (right) Bill Knepshield, Second Vice President.
President Knepshield honors National Chaplain John Babcock for his service to AMRA.
President Knepshield presents Le Roy “Doc” Holloway with a citation and plaque for his service as he leaves the AMRA Board.
The prestigious President’s Award was presented by President Knepshield to Fred Gilman for his continuous service to AMRA since 1993 as National First Vice President and National Director. Fred has chaired a multitude of committees over the years and is currently serving as National Director and President of the Foundation.
Director Vincent La Valle (right) presents an award to President Knepshield and Executive Director Peg Bergeron for AMRA’s sponsorship of the United Veterans of Port St. Lucie County Golf Tournament, which raises funds to purchase vans used to transport vets to the VA.
Author Rick Campbell signs copies of The Trident Deception.
NATIONAL CONVENTION June 14, 2014 Afternoon Session
Foundation President Fred Gilman accepts donations for the Scholarship Fund.
Parade of Checks for the Scholarship Fund
Director J.B. Kump presents amendments to the National, Department and Chapter bylaws for approval by delegates.
Delegates meet to prepare for the “Group Sing” of the National Anthem on Flag Day, June 14 th, 2014.
Hotel guests are excited to join us to celebrate the 200 th Anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner.
The crowd grows, in anticipation.
Awaiting the 4:00 p.m. sharp start time…
Closing Prayer
Retiring of the Colors
Final salute. We’ll meet again next year in Cincinnati, OH on June 12-13, 2015.
ANNUAL BANQUET Installation of New Officers and Directors
Annual Banquet
Missing Man Table
President Knepshield calls for attention.
Guest Speaker Master chief Eugene Crabtree, USN (Ret.), Coordinator of Retiree Activities for the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Master Chief Crabtree accepts AMRA’s $1,500 donation to the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society at Norfolk Naval Base.
AMRA National Board of Directors Installing Officer - Past National President Catherine La Valle (L-R) John Babcock, Chaplain; Debbie Smith, Director; David Cook, Director; J.B. Kump, Secretary; Bill Knepshield, Second Vice President; Ronald K. Knepshield, President; Kirk Bennett, First Vice President; Stephen Wood, Treasurer; Ted Painter, Director and James Dennie, Director.
The emblem of authority!
Foundation Board of Directors (L-R) J.B. Kump, Vice President; Fred Gilman, President; Donald Waterworth, Secretary and Timothy Riggins, Director.
AMRA National Board of Directors Back Row: Ted Painter, Stephen Wood, J.B. Kump, Kirk Bennett, John Babcock, Bill Knepshield, David Cook and Bill Boyle. Front Row: Catherine La Valle, Vincent La Valle, Ronald Knepshield, James Dennie, Debbie Smith, and Fred Gilman.
National Officers (L-R) Treasurer Stephen Wood, Secretary J.B. Kump, President Ronald K. Knepshield, First Vice President Kirk Bennett, Second Vice President Bill Knepshield.
Past National Presidents Catherine La Valle, Ronald Knepshield and Donald Waterworth
National President Knepshield with AMRA Staff (L-R) De’Anne St. Yves, Crystal Mang and Peg Bergeron
National Convention 2015 Cincinnati, OH June 12-13, 2015 See You Next Year!