Resolution about Pay for Adjuncts and Full-time Faculty Faculty Senate May 3, 2005
Resolution Effective beginning the Fall semester 2005, part-time pay for 4-hour courses should be increased by 1/3 of the 3-hour course rate. This would apply for every term. during the Summer term, full-time pay for 4-hour courses should be increased by 1/3 of the 3-hour adjunct pay rate In other words, pay people for the work they do.
For a 2-hour course, adjuncts are paid at 2/3 of the 3-hour course rate. Science labs are paid at the 3-hour course rate because the faculty spend 3 hours teaching the lab. To be consistent, 4-hour courses should be paid 1/3 more than 3-hour courses.
Spring 2005 – Financial Impact Number of 4-hour courses taught by adjunct faculty college-wide Amount of money not paid to adjuncts for extra hour Amount of money paid by students for extra hour 167 $116,900 $207,080 Why aren’t adjuncts being paid fairly?
Both during the school year and the summer, full-time faculty are avoiding 4-hr courses (mostly Learning Support) leaving those courses to adjunct instructors. Adjunct instructors may be good instructors but do not have office hours which are especially important for Learning Support students Academic Impact
% of Learning Support Sections Taught by Adjuncts Spring 05Summer 05 English (n=74) 34%51% Reading (n=55) 44%61% Math (n=181) 54% (ntl avg: 46%) 66%
% of Other 4-hour Sections Taught by Adjuncts Spring 05Summer 05 ESL (n=21) 19%63% Upper Level Math (n=92) 15% CSCI/Engr (n=13) 23%
Pay them, and they will come. During the summer, full-time faculty are paid on a per course basis, so a 4-hr course should be paid differently than a 3- hr course: adjunct pay for the 4 th hour. This will encourage full-time faculty to continue to be involved in the 4-hour courses, giving students more access to their instructors.
Effective beginning the Fall semester 2005, Full-time faculty receive adjunct pay beginning with their 31 st credit hour in a 10-month contract. Resolution
30 hours is Clearly the Standard
Since the average number of hours for a semester is 15, nearly all of the faculty are already working only 30 hours per year. The number of hours is a national standard. See data from related resolution.
This would benefit all disciplines. If you currently teach 10 courses, teaching an extra course would earn overload pay for 3 hours instead of 1 hour.