1 Miami Dade College August 2012 Creating A Respectful Learning And Working Environment Adjunct Instructor Orientation
2 Employee Relations Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA As an adjunct faculty member, you need to know: *Your rights *Your students’ rights and how to ensure them in your classroom
3 Employee Relations Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA As an adjunct faculty member, you need to know: *What protections are covered by the law *What MDC policy and procedures say *Who to call when you do not know what to do
4 Employee Relations Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA College Policy I-21 Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity educational institution which does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, marital status, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, or genetic information. College Procedure 1665 Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure Resolution of Complaints of discrimination or harassment
5 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, or academic progress; employment or academic decisions affecting those individuals are made based on their submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual; such conduct has the purpose or affect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, or academic environment. U.S. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION Guidelines Defining Sexual Harassment
6 DON’TS using vulgar, profane or sexually explicit language (i.e. “f” word). using vulgar, profane or sexually explicit language (i.e. “f” word). making jokes, sharing anecdotes or discussing topics of a sexual nature. making jokes, sharing anecdotes or discussing topics of a sexual nature. asking questions about another individual’s sex life, sexual preference/orientation. asking questions about another individual’s sex life, sexual preference/orientation. making sexually explicit or implicit comments about an individual’s clothing, body. making sexually explicit or implicit comments about an individual’s clothing, body.
7 DON’TS repetitively asking for dates. repetitively asking for dates. using profane slang to refer to men or women (i.e. “b” word, “f” word). using profane slang to refer to men or women (i.e. “b” word, “f” word). making whistling, kissing sounds, smacking noises. making whistling, kissing sounds, smacking noises. touching a person when it is unwelcome. touching a person when it is unwelcome. stalking, which includes sending unwelcome and offensive gifts, s, photos, etc. stalking, which includes sending unwelcome and offensive gifts, s, photos, etc.
8 DO’ S 1.Meet the student in a safe environment 2.Take the report seriously 3.Listen, sympathize, but don’t judge 4.Avoid using “dangerous words” such as, “It’s just teasing. It’s no big deal” When a student complains to you:
9 5. Document, Document, Document 6. Don’t delay 7. Respond to the concern DO’ S
10 DO’ S 8.Follow up on the complaint 9.Advise your appropriate chain of command about the complaint to determine what action is to be taken 10.Advise the Office of Employee Relations or Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA Coordinator about the complaint (resource, resolution and recording).
11 Quick Links for more information Part Time Employee Performance Standards College Policy I-21 Equal Access/Equal Opportunity College Procedure 1665 Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Process Sexual Harassment Prevention Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook Employee Relations Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA
12 Clive R. Bridges Employee Relations Officer Ext Yvonne S. Nuñez PT Employee Relations OfficerExt Bettie H. Thompson Associate Vice Provost/Human Resources Ext Minda Feldheim Secretary IV Ext Employee Relations Service Team
13 Office of Equal Opportunity Programs/ ADA Coordinator Joy C. Ruff, PhD Director Ext Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA Coordinator Cindy Lau-Evans EOP Manager Ext