Welcome to Banner HR Non Status Exempt Training
Why are you here? To receive the most current, comprehensive information about non status exempt appointmentsTo receive the most current, comprehensive information about non status exempt appointments To be introduced to changes made for processing retroactive appointments.To be introduced to changes made for processing retroactive appointments. To get answers to all of your questions!To get answers to all of your questions!
The Process Review NBAJOBS Review payroll reports/ Reconcile to source documentation Review payroll reports/ Reconcile to source documentation Process the EPAF Source documentation (request from department) Select the correct EPAF Review NBIJLST and possibly PEAEMPL, PPAIDEN
Source Documentation Should be received in a timely manner via , phone, fax, etc.Should be received in a timely manner via , phone, fax, etc. Basic information should exist – employee name, ss#, activity date, rate, type of appointment (grad, adjunct faculty, etc.) department, supervisor, and department approvalBasic information should exist – employee name, ss#, activity date, rate, type of appointment (grad, adjunct faculty, etc.) department, supervisor, and department approval Should be kept at the BSC for reconciliation to payment activity – make sure people were paid!Should be kept at the BSC for reconciliation to payment activity – make sure people were paid!
Non Status Exempt Hires Any appointment involving a fixed dollar amount paid for a specific period of time worked – contract amount TypeEPAFPosition Adjunct Faculty UHAJFYUN*FNS Graduate Students UHGRADUN*GRD Complementary Exempt UHCPEXUN*NSS Additional pay – salary services* UHAPSS Any of the above Additional pay – supplemental** UHAPSU Any of the above * to be used for non grant funded additional payments to status employees with the exception of summer salaries below the allowable amount ** to be used for grant funded additional payments to status employees that occur during the academic year or during the summer that exceed allowable amounts
Before EPAF Data Entry Select the Query date – refer to USNH HR & Payroll Deadlines document and Non Status Exempt EPAF cheat sheet for valueSelect the Query date – refer to USNH HR & Payroll Deadlines document and Non Status Exempt EPAF cheat sheet for value Select the EPAF (you have already done this at this point) Refer to Selecting the Right EPAF for the Job document.Select the EPAF (you have already done this at this point) Refer to Selecting the Right EPAF for the Job document. Select the correct position – see Non Status Position listSelect the correct position – see Non Status Position list Select the correct suffix – go to NBIJLST and enter 7/1/2003 as the effective date to determine the last suffix used for that position for that employee. Select the next suffix number.Select the correct suffix – go to NBIJLST and enter 7/1/2003 as the effective date to determine the last suffix used for that position for that employee. Select the next suffix number.
EPAF Data Entry 4 steps (approval types) for each non status exempt hire EPAF4 steps (approval types) for each non status exempt hire EPAF –Hire/Job entry – define begin date, ecls, amount to pay, timesheet org, FTE etc. –Labor distribution – define foapal to expense –Earn – define regular earnings and retroactive pay amount –Termination – define end date
EPAF Data Entry, cont. Hire Step – updates PEAEMPL and NBAJOBS:Hire Step – updates PEAEMPL and NBAJOBS: –Dates, dates, dates – refer to Common PEAEMPL and JOBS dates document –Orgs, orgs, orgs: Check distribution org – where the check goes (XUNHCM, XUNHPM, XUNHCK)Check distribution org – where the check goes (XUNHCM, XUNHPM, XUNHCK) Home org – where the employee lives (permanent home)Home org – where the employee lives (permanent home) Time sheet org – where the appointment lives (refer to Time Sheet Org Matrix)Time sheet org – where the appointment lives (refer to Time Sheet Org Matrix) –ECLS – refer to Occupational Type to ECLS Crosswalk –Daily rate – non status exempt appointment tool –Pays and factors – non status exempt appointment tool –Contract dates – see Common PEAEMPL and JOBS Dates –Sub class code – see Subclassification Code list –FTE – see FTE/Approvals Cheat Sheet –Contract amount – enter full value of the appointment
EPAF Data Entry, cont. Field All NS Exempt EPAFs – Line 1 Retro payments – ongoing or fully retro – Line 2 Effective date Hire date (jobs detail effective date) First day of current pay period (jobs detail effective date) Earn Code Hours/Units101 Deemed Leave Blank Special Rate Leave Blank Full Retro Amount (use NS Exempt Tool) Ended As Of Date Leave Blank First day of NEXT pay period Earn Step Earn Step
EPAF Data Entry, cont. Labor DistributionLabor Distribution –Enter the appropriate foapal(s) – override dummy foapal TerminationTermination –Last day of work for both effective date and personnel date Transaction commentsTransaction comments –Under Options menu enter supporting text for reference
EPAF Submittal Submitting the EPAFSubmitting the EPAF –Errors –Trapping Errors – review EPAF Trapping/ Nopeama Errors document for resolution –Warnings – please read and understand implications –Payroll calendar considerations Pay attention to EPAF deadlinesPay attention to EPAF deadlines EPAF must be approved status prior to the deadlineEPAF must be approved status prior to the deadline
Verifying the Appointment Prior to payment:Prior to payment: –Check EPAF Status in NOAEPAF or WEBI (see HR Webintelligence Reports document) –Check NBAJOBS After payment:After payment: –Review PHAHOUR –Review payroll reports (see HR Webintelligence Reports document)
Making Changes Removing EPAF or appointmentRemoving EPAF or appointment –If EPAF has not been submitted, user can Delete PAF (under Options menu). Never use Cancel PAF option –If EPAF has been submitted but not yet approved, approver can void EPAF in NOAAPSM or NOAEPAF. (user can void in NOAEPAF if document status is return/correction). –If EPAF has been completed and NBAJOBS record exists, contact UNH HR to have job removed Changes in pay, dates, time sheet orgs, fte, sub class, ecls – contact UNH HR at in pay, dates, time sheet orgs, fte, sub class, ecls – contact UNH HR at Changes to expense distribution:Changes to expense distribution: –If future use labor distribution EPAF (may require deletion of future record – contact USNH Payroll at ) –If past, use labor distribution form ( )
Support EPAF processing questions – CIS Help Desk – rhr.htmlEPAF processing questions – CIS Help Desk – rhr.html rhr.html rhr.html Security questions – to UNH HR at questions – to UNH HR at Payroll questions – UNH/USNH Payroll at questions – UNH/USNH Payroll at Appointment change requests – UNH HR at change requests – UNH HR at Banner HR reference material is located at HR reference material is located at