A Community Informatics Framework for Diversity Presented by: Chip Bruce Robin Y. Duple Susan R. Rodgers Noelle S. Williams
Academics Faculty Involvement -8 faculty members, 3 CII staff members, and several adjunct faculty are involved with CI -CII supports faculty in research efforts, grant writing, communications efforts, etc. CII’s Agenda Through Coursework -Wide variety of courses appeal to large group of students -Faculty, adjuncts, and staff create new courses of interest to students -Courses related to CI in other departments are promoted as well
Academics Seed Funding: promotes CI throughout the university Opportunity provides initial funding for a project or funds projects that may not be funded otherwise CII Affiliates: establishing relationships Research Speaker Series: Sharing Research and Promoting Partnership CII Affiliates share their research 41 presentations and/or brown bags to date
Students CI Students Serve community & build future workforce Foster recruitment & retention of underrepresented groups CI program attracts diverse participants Funding Opportunities CII and YCI Assistantships Fellowships Hourly positions
Students CI Certificate Approved in September 2009 12 credits (1 required course) 12 credits (1 required course) 7 students so far, 4 more scheduled by Dec CI Club Volunteer opportunities Social networking Leadership UFL Tech Volunteers & the TIS Bookstore Award
Community Engaging Communities Champaign-Urbana, East St. Louis, Paseo Boricua, Rantoul, Sao Tome, and more Projects are ongoing, every effort to promote sustainability Integrating community work in the classroom through assignments, curriculum, etc. Bringing the community to campus
Community Examples of ongoing projects Booker T. Washington after school program The Sao Tome project Urbana Free Library Technology Volunteers Paseo Boricua
Youth Community Informatics