Dr. Abraham, Associate Dean
Semesters consist of 14 weeks of instruction + 1 week of finals. Typical 3-credit class period is 80 minutes long twice per week (no break). Fall semester ranges from August 27 to December 15. Thanksgiving break Wed (all day) through Sunday. Labor Day and Veteran’s Day are both Mondays. Friday September 7 is the last day for a student to register (with instructor) permission. Friday November 2 is the last day for a student to drop a class.
Spring semester ranges from January 14 to May 4 with the week of March 3 for spring break. Summer breaks into two 7-week sessions. Summer 1 ranges May 13 to June 28. Summer 2 ranges July 1 to August 17. Full 14-week session as well. Grades due on Wednesdays at noon after all sessions.
Cheri Russo— Communications and Marketing Manager, former journalist and web page editor at WOUB; adjunct in journalism at OU. (replaces Jenny LaRue) Judith Carey-Nevin-- Library Director, former Reference Services Coordinator at Otterbein, Reference and Instructional Librarian at Piedmont Virginia Community College (replaces Ann Watson) Lindsey Moore—recent grad taking on a temporary assignment at our information desk. Made some nice contributions to our web pages as a student worker.
Academics Academic Support Faculty/Staff News and Events Feeders
Final Exam Schedule: All classes have a pre-defined two-hour exam slot (including night classes). RCs will follow the same final exam schedule. Using last Saturday for Saturday classes. Athens will have a separate final exam schedule. Adjunct Rule: Allows continuous teaching (no built in break) however load is limited to less than 30 semester hours over a two year period.
Salary per credit hour: adjusted approximately by a factor of 1.5 from quarters. Salary distributed over bi-monthly pays from September 15 to December 15. Objective for courses readily available in OCEAN system (or by request).
More unassigned adjunct space. Scantron moving out of the 3 rd floor adjunct space. Instructor Office hours/location going online. Book orders into the registrar’s textbook system. Remind students about the date to drop a class— remind them to double-check their schedule
Use the FS and FN to help stop financial aid fraud. Resolve discrepancies in your class roster by the end of the 2 nd week—everyone who is attending should be on your official class list (if not contact Cindy Maylemaylec), conversely everyone on your roster should be attending regularly (if not contact Phyllis Lanierhughesp). Need to submit syllabi to Fran Cordle