Report on Pharmacy Programme Susan S. S. Ho School of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine The Chinese University of Hong Kong 8 September 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Report on Pharmacy Programme Susan S. S. Ho School of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine The Chinese University of Hong Kong 8 September 2007

Objective To report on the strengths, weaknesses, and areas requiring modifications in the Pharmacy programme

B.Pharm Programme (3-year) Foundation courses in Biosciences –Anatomy/Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutics and Formulation Science Pharmacognosy Pharmacy Practice and Law Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research Methods and Techniques Pharmacy Clerkship and Project

Schedule of Events in 2007 Jan 07 Dates of formal review of B.Pharm programme announced √ Apr 07 Submission of self-evaluation document √ May 07 Meetings with review panel √ Jun 07 Draft review report released √ Sep 07 Debriefing session by review panel Oct 07 Submission of response (action plan) Oct 07 – Jan 08 Senate Committee (T&L) to consider reports Feb 08 Senate make recommendations to RAC

Overall Assessment “The review panel was impressed by the high levels of concern and interest for the quality of teaching and learning displayed by staff of the School.” Appropriate curriculum revisions Effective monitoring and refinement of curriculum using a wide range of feedback

Strengths of the Programme Programme Management and Quality Assurance  A lively and effective Curriculum Committee  Evidence of successive improvements to the curriculum from the SEQ and alumni surveys

Strengths of the Programme …cont’d Learning Outcomes  Among the pioneers in specifying programme- or professional-specific learning outcomes  Data indicate an increase in students’ perceptions of the development of both generic and professional capabilities

Strengths of the Programme …cont’d Content and Learning Activities  Introduction to Pharmacy (Year 1) course provides a valuable roadmap of the programme  School was enthusiastic about making more use of IT in teaching and learning  Students and alumni found the overseas exchange programme to be an enlightening experience

Strengths of the Programme …cont’d Professional Development of Teachers  High levels of participation in professional development activities of members of the School  Adjunct tutors provide a positive learning environment for the students

Weaknesses of the Programme Content  Tight schedule and heavy workload, particularly in Year 1  Few choices of electives except for Year 3 Learning Activities  Low levels of active learning and patient care activities in Year 1 and Year 2

Weaknesses of the Programme …cont’d Assessment  Heavy reliance on tests and examinations in some courses Lack of formal mechanism of collecting feedback from adjunct tutors

Modifications Needed Course Content and Scheduling –Devise schedules more consistent with student desires –Offer parallel elective courses, focusing upon specialization of practice

Modifications Needed …cont’d Learning Activities –Develop integrated didactic and experiential learning that transcends all 3 years of study –Greater emphasis of active learning for all years, particularly Year 1 and Pharmacy Law course

Modifications Needed …cont’d Assessment and Feedback –Greater use of forms of assessment other than tests and examinations –Provide professional development for adjunct tutors and collect feedback from them regularly

Challenges Time constraints –3-year B.Pharm vs. 4-year M.Pharm (UK) and 6-year Pharm.D (USA) Resource constraints –Small student number in offering electives –Funding issues for overseas student exchange programmes

Challenges …cont’d Motivating teachers –Service teaching departments and adjunct teachers to align their teaching with the learning needs of our students –Harmonizing the philosophy and value of the entire teaching team

Ultimate Challenge Build a case to support a role for pharmacist as a bridge between the patient and the doctor in designing as well as monitoring drug therapy Create a critical mass of academic staff and students to derive maximal benefit in learning

Opportunities The Integrated Healthcare Model (Multidisciplinary Care) Where do the 3 curricula intersect? Team education and cross training of the 3 professions

Thank you.

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