Determining the Validity and Reliability of Key Assessments and Other Questions Regarding Key Assessments
Assessments are fair when they assess what has been taught. Candidates should be exposed to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions which are measured in the assessments.
Curriculum mapping (e.g., a chart that shows where in the curriculum candidates have the opportunity to learn and practice what is specified in the standards).
Candidates should be given information on how the assessments are scored and how they count toward completion of programs
Piloting assessments, Developing benchmarks, Ratings assessments, and a Analyzing the extent to which the assessments were successful in measuring targeted candidate knowledge, skills, and dispositions.”
Problems with assessments include missing or vague instructions, poorly worded questions, and poorly reproduced copies that make reading difficult.
The assessments are free of racial and ethnic stereotypes, poorly conceived language and task situations, and other forms of cultural insensitivity that might interfere with candidate performance and unintentionally favor some candidates over others. Further, the elimination of bias includes consistent scoring of assessments and vigilant efforts not to discriminate against groups of candidates.
Units evaluate assessments and assessment conditions and eliminate as many sources of bias as possible.
Through collaboration between faculty and lead instructors, key assessments and rubrics are developed and reviewed annually. Training of faculty and adjunct faculty to consistently and accurately utilize rubrics is ongoing. Training occurs annually prior to fall semester during faculty meetings and adjunct orientation. Rubrics are reviewed regularly to eliminate vague or weak scoring instructions.
An alignment matrix for all courses in the College of Education was developed to show how course objectives are aligned with unit outcomes, program outcomes and the conceptual framework, as well as state and national standards. Each course syllabus includes the unit and program outcomes addressed and how the assignments and assessments are aligned with the outcomes.