Adjunct Hiring Changes Presented by: Denise Matias
Changes for Adjunct hires Adjunct application is no longer used. This has been replaced by the Faculty Applicant Affirmation form. The form can be found on the Academic Affairs Web site at: pplicantAffirmationForm.pdf pplicantAffirmationForm.pdf
Changes continued Three letters of recommendation are no longer needed. Three or more reference checks are required. One letter of recommendation may be used, AND two telephone reference checks are required. One of the telephone reference checks should be solicited from someone other than those indicated on the candidate's list of references.
Changes continued Telephone Reference form is found on the HR Web site at: ence_Check.pdf Adjunct hiring package checklist has been added to the hire packet. The form can be found on the Academic Affairs Web site at: (Select the forms link)
Changes continued The Adjunct Faculty Agreement after signed by the employee needs to be signed for by the department/program Chair or Director on the Representative signature line. ed results from the background check need to be initialed by the Chair/Director. AA20 is now required and will be filled out and initialed by the Chair or Director by the signature line. Dr. Frederick will sign the form.
Required documents for a New Adjunct Employee 1.Adjunct Hiring Package Checklist (AA Web site)(Dr. Frederick signs) 2.*Adjunct Faculty Agreement (ePAF#)(Chair or Director signs) 3.*Applicant Affirmation Form (AA Web site) 4.*I-9 Form (Supporting documents) 5.*Personal Data Sheet 6.*W-4 Form (Copy of signed Social Security Card) 7.*Direct Deposit Authorization Form (Attach voided check) 8.*Notarized Loyalty Oath 9.*Confidentiality Agreement
Required documents for a New Adjunct Employee Continued 10. *Employee Acknowledgment 11.Disclosure & Release of Information Form 12. results (initialed by the Chair/Director) 13.Current Resume 14.Telephone Reference Check Form (w/1 letter if applicable) 15.AA20 (Chair or Director initial by signature line) (Dr. Frederick will sign) 16.AA20a (and AA20b if applicable) 17. Official Transcripts (stamped official) *Paperclip to front of binder. Checklist on top of first tab page Other documents under pre-employment tab
Adjunct Hard File Name Title Department
Dividers Contracts and ePAFs Academic Assignments Student Evaluations Miscellaneous Pre-Employment
CAH Adjunct Pay Schedule $600/semester hr without terminal degree-new $650/semester hr without terminal degree-after 1 yr. (2 semesters) $675/semester hr without terminal degree-after 4 yrs. (8 semesters) $675/semester hr with terminal degree-new $700/semester hr with terminal degree -after 1 yr. (2 semesters) $850/semester hr with terminal degree -after 4 yrs. (8 semesters) Any adjunct pay rate that exceeds the CAH Adjunct pay rate guidelines must have Dean approval in advance of submission to the CAH Dean’s office. Also, if the Adjunct course count is over the two courses per semester, Dean approval is required. Approval is required each semester if the Adjunct rate is different or over the course load guidelines.
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