Objective: To gather a college-wide collection of student oral presentation data from all speech faculty to establish a rubric that can be used for any oral communication discipline.
Purpose of Data Collection: o Meet college-wide Institutional Assessment (Program Learning Outcomes Assessment) goals o Continue providing evidence of student learning
Process for Gathering Data: o Across all 4 campuses o Across all class sections (in class/ online/ hybrid) o Used heaviest weighted speeches
Criteria measured by rubric: o Organizational Pattern o Central Message o Supporting Materials o Language Choice o Delivery Techniques
Levels of Accomplishment:
Results Overview: o Approximately 2,500 Scantrons were returned o Approximately 60% faculty response rate
Organizational Pattern Non Adjunct Faculty Adjunct Faculty Count % % Total % % No Response % % MINIMALLY292.2%403.3% PARTIALLY % % GENERALLY % 72.9% % 74.8% SIGNIFICANTLY % %
Central Message Non Adjunct Faculty Adjunct Faculty Count % % Total % % No Response %887.2% NOT EXPLICITLY STATED 191.5%332.7% BASICALLY UNDERSTANDABLE % % CLEAR AND CONSISTENT % 74.20% % 72.80% COMPELLING % %
Supporting Materials Non Adjunct Faculty Adjunct Faculty Count % % Total % % No Response %867.1% MINIMALLY685.3%1088.9% PARTIALLY % % GENERALLY % 60.5% % 66.9% SIGNIFICANTLY % %
Language Choices Non Adjunct Faculty Adjunct Faculty Count % % Total % % No Response1279.8%756.2% MINIMALLY201.5%221.8% PARTIALLY % % GENERALLY % 74.4% % 74.5% SIGNIFICANTLY % %
Delivery Techniques Non Adjunct Faculty Adjunct Faculty Count % % Total % % No Response1229.4%756.5% UNCOMFORTABLE 786.0%223.8% TENTATIVE % % COMFORTABLE % 63.6% % 68.1% POLISHED AND CONFIDENT % %
Summary (Level 3 or Higher) Organizational Pattern73.90% Central Message73.50% Supporting Materials63.70% Language Choices74.50% Delivery Techniques65.90%
Outcomes: o Speech rubric established for cross- discipline use o Affirms speech faculty assessment leveling Next Steps: o Create supporting materials intervention tool to improve student learning o Assess student use of supporting materials in heaviest weighted speech