New Hire Orientation Adjunct Faculty Presented by : The Office of Human Resources Plan Year 2014 The information contained in this presentation is a summary of general benefits available to active employees of University of Maryland University College. Wherever conflicts occur between the contents of this presentation and the policies, contracts, rules, regulations, or laws governing the administration of the various programs, the terms set forth in the various policies, program contracts, rules, regulations, or laws shall prevail. 1
Lisa Schnieder – AVP Compensation & Benefits Anessa Lewis – Benefits Manager Clare Murray – Benefits Administrator Address - Office of Human Resources, Administration Building, 2nd floor, 3501 University Blvd., East, Adelphi, MD Phone: Fax: OHR Benefits Team 2
Getting Started Direct Deposit is required for all state employees. Employees may deposit funds into any regular checking or savings account at one banking institution; or Employees may deposit funds with the State Employee’s Credit Union (SECU) - If you have an SECU account, you may also set up to have your payroll transferred to this SECU account. This is the only way to have funds direct deposited into more than one banking institution. Please allow approximately two (2) pay periods for Direct Deposit to take effect For questions about your Direct Deposit, please call or 3
Enrollment Eligible employees must enroll in Health, Prescription, Life and Disability plans within the first 60 days of employment. Unless retroactive coverage begin date requested, benefits are effective as of the 1 st or the 16 th of the month following enrollment. Employees will be ed an election summary and notified of the coverage effective date. Return Completed Forms to the Benefits Unit: Scan/ forms to Mail to: UMUC, Office of Human Resources Attn: Benefits 3501 University Blvd East Adelphi, MD Interoffice to Benefits Unit in the Administration Building. 2 nd floor 4
Allowable Coverage Changes 5 Per IRS regulations, employees may only make changes to current benefit elections during one of the following windows: Upon Hire or transition to a benefit eligible position During Open Enrollment (occurs each fall) Within 60 days of a Qualified Family Status Change Employees must provide with the completed enrollment form & supporting documentation within 60 days of the qualifying life It is strongly recommended that you contact as soon as possible following a life Refer to Page 14 of the State of Maryland Benefit Guide for additional details Coverage will begin on the 1 st or 16 th of the month
Eligible Dependents To cover dependents under medical, dental or prescription benefits, dependent documentation is required, in addition to, the Affidavit for Dependent Eligibility form. For a complete list of eligible dependents and acceptable documentation, please review the State of Maryland Benefits Guide.State of Maryland Benefits Guide Eligible dependents include: Opposite sex or same sex spouse Biological, adopted and/or step-child under age 26 Grand-child under age 26 who reside in your home Step-grandchild or other dependent child relatives under age 26 who reside in your home Legal ward, testamentary, or court appointed guardian under age 26 who reside in your home Child with mental or physical incapacity over age 26 incapable of self-support due to mental or physical incapacity incurred prior to age 26 Medical Child Support Order 6
Benefit Payments Adjunct Faculty are eligible to enroll in State Health plans offered at UMUC within the first 60 days of employment Faculty who elect state benefits must pay for benefits using the Direct Pay Program and are not eligible for automatic payroll deductions Important Information about the Direct Pay Program: Employees are responsible for paying the full cost of benefits elected directly to the Employee Benefits Division (EBD), each month. Failure to make payment will result in a loss of coverage; you will be ineligible to re-elect coverage until the following Open Enrollment Period (each fall). Upon enrollment, the MD State Employee Benefits Division (EBD) will mail a coupon booklet to the address of record. 7 View the "Direct Pay Enrollees” rate sheet for an overview of monthly benefit premiums. Employees may pay by mail or online.Direct Pay Enrollees
Health Benefits Overview The type of medical plan you choose will impact your premiums, out-of-pocket cost, and network of doctors. All plans include a vision benefit All plans include mental health & substance abuse benefits - PPO & POS plan members benefits are managed by APS Healthcare, Inc. - EPO plan members benefits are managed by the health plan vendor Important: Out-patient prescription drug benefits are not included under the medical plans. Enrollment into the prescription drug plan is required. Please refer to the Employee Benefits Divisions website for complete plan descriptions & plan certificates. 8
Health Benefits Summary 9 See State of Maryland Benefit Guide for more plan details.State of Maryland Benefit Guide To search for a provider, visit: v/benefits/Pages/Aetna 2013.aspx v/benefits/Pages/Aetna 2013.aspx
Health Benefits Summary 10 See State of Maryland Benefit Guide for more plan details.State of Maryland Benefit Guide To search for a provider, visit: s/Carefirst2013.aspx s/Carefirst2013.aspx
Health Benefits Summary 11 See State of Maryland Benefit Guide for more plan details.State of Maryland Benefit Guide To search for a provider, visit: s/UnitedHealthCare 2013.aspx s/UnitedHealthCare 2013.aspx
Prescription Coverage The prescription drug plan is administered by Express Scripts 12 Important Notes: If a generic prescription is available, you will be responsible for the difference in cost between generic vs. brand. Zero-dollar co-pay for certain generics used for specific conditions. Prescription plan also has other drug management programs such as specialty drug provider, prior authorization, and step therapy. To see if your prescription is impacted, review the benefit guide carefully. View the preferred medication list at Type of MedicationRX days (1 copay) RX days (2 copay)* Generic$10$20 Preferred Brand Name$25$50 Non-Preferred Brand$40$80 *Home delivery
Dental Benefits 13 Dental benefits are provided by United Concordia. There are two types of dental plans available: Dental PPO (DPPO) Dental HMO (DHMO) Dental PPODental HMO You do not need a primary dental office No referrals needed for specialty care Orthodontia services only for dependent children (not employee) National network See State Benefit Guide for fee schedule Must reside in MD, DC, VA, DE, WV, or PA to enroll in this plan Must use a DHMO provider, no out of network coverage Must select primary dental office See State Benefit Guide for fee schedule Visit
Life Insurance 14 UMUC offers two life insurance options; Minnesota Life & Unum Life Minnesota Term LifeUnum Term Life Employee Min: $10,000; Max: $300,000; Dependent Min: $5,000; Max: $150,000; Coverage increments of $10,000 for employee & $5,000 for dependents; Coverage up to $50,000 for employee & $25,000 for dependents does not require Evidence of Insurability (EOI), if elect within first 60 days; Dependent coverage cannot exceed 50% of employee coverage amount; No duplication of coverage if employee and dependent are both state employees; Insurance portable See benefit overview for additional details Employee Min: $10,000; Max: 6x annual salary up to $750,000; Dependent Min: $10,000; Max $150,000; Coverage increments of $10,000 for employee & dependents; Coverage up to $50,000 for employee, $20,000 for spouse and $10,000 for child without Evidence of Insurability (EOI), if elect within first 60 days; Dependent coverage can equal employee amount up to $150,000 Insurance convertible Can elect Unum Life & Minnesota Life See for additional details
AD&D Insurance 15 Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) is administered through Minnesota Life Insurance company. Provides a benefit payment in the event of an accidental death or dismemberment of the employee or a covered family member; Coverage available in increments of $100,000, $200,000 or $300,000. If electing family coverage, dependents are covered at the following percentage: Does not require Evidence of Insurability & comes with several other free access to other resources. See benefit guide for additional details.benefit guide DependentBenefit Amount Spouse (no eligible children)55% of benefit amount Spouse (eligible children)65% of benefit amount Children (no eligible spouse)*15% of benefit amount Children (with eligible spouse)*25% of benefit amount * $50,000 max per covered child
Long Term Disability 16 Provides financial protection for the employee and their family by paying a portion of your income in the event of a disability Long Term Disability (LTD) offered through Unum Plan provides 60% of annual salary just prior to disability, up to $8,000 per month May elect a 90 day or 365 day elimination period; Benefits begin the day after the elimination period Other Important Information Your LTD payment may be reduced by other deductible sources of income Evidence of Insurability (EOI) not required if enrolled within 1st 60 days of employment Pre-existing treatment, consultation or medication received 3 months prior to the coverage effective date within the 1 st 12 months may be excluded. See for additional details regarding this
Long Term Care Insurance 17 Provides financial assistance to cover expenses related to home healthcare or care in a facility in the event the covered individual is unable to perform daily life functions Long Term Care (LTC) offered by Prudential May elect coverage for self, spouse, parents, siblings, adult children, in- laws and grandparents If elected within first 60 days of employment, evidence of insurability is not required. See State of Maryland Benefit Guide for additional details. To enroll or to see rates, visit Prudential’s website at Username: maryland; Password: marylandltc
Supplemental Retirement Annuity Employees may also set aside additional contributions using the Supplemental Retirement Annuity. Contributions may be initiated, changed, or cancelled at anytime throughout the year. To begin contributing, elect a specified dollar amount per pay period and choose from a variety of pre-tax and post-tax options Three Vendor Options: TIAA-CREF: Fidelity Investments: Maryland Supplemental Retirement Plans: Plans include pre-tax and post-tax options; 401(k), 403(b) & 457(b) For additional details regarding the annual limits and enrollment forms, visit:
UMUC Adjunct Scholarship UMUC offers a limited number of scholarships to eligible Adjunct faculty Limited to 2 course enrollments per academic year Does not apply to Graduate School executive programs, non-credit programs or National Leadership Institute (NLI) 19 Eligibility: Applicants must have a completed a minimum of 30 credit hours prior to the semester requested Must be in good & active standing as an adjunct faculty member Must be admitted into a degree program at UMUC, enrolled in the requested course and meet all other requirements defined in the Scholarship StatementScholarship Statement If already a student, must also be in good academic standing For more information about the adjunct scholarship, review the scholarship statement or contact Amanda Stapleton in Faculty Services at the Faculty Services Support
Weather & Emergency Updates To get weather and emergency updates for all UMUC locations, please visit the UMUC Weather page or call: call SNOW. Sign up for MyAlerts ( UMUC MyAlerts will send notifications of emergency and weather- related closings to your cell phone, and more. 20
Contact Information Direct Deposit, W-4, Tuition Remission, Name/Address Changes, and general HR questions HR Business Center – Payroll, Timesheet, and Leave Payroll Department Health and Retirement Benefits Department Employment Verifications Visit or call ; UMUC’s employer code Security Technical Support, PeopleSoft, Help Desk Visit 21