First-Year Writing Portfolios: 2014 Portfolios can be submitted anytime on/after Mon Nov 24, 2014 (day one/block 4). Portfolios must be submitted no later than Wednesday Dec 17, 2014 (week four/block 4). All FY students who enrolled in Winter 2014 submit a portfolio: portfolios are a central component of the Writing Proficiency graduation requirement.
Portfolio components An FYE paper: this can be revised for the portfolio. A paper from another course, blocks 3-8: this can also be revised prior to portfolio submission. An essay reflecting on the writing in the portfolio and writing at CC, blocks 1-8: words.
Portfolio submission Papers should be clean copies: no grades or annotations. Your two course papers combined should run a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 25 pages. Portfolio folders should be submitted to the Writing Center. Portfolios must also be submitted on-line at: in order to verify and archive submissions.
Who will evaluate portfolios? Portfolios will be read by a group of faculty from across the disciplines. All portfolios will receive two readings and an overall evaluation: excellent, competent, or needs work. readings split between a competent and needs work evaluation will be adjudicated by a third reader.
Reflective essays Show that you can evaluate strengths and weaknesses in your writing. Demonstrate that you understand what you do well and what you still need to work on. Show insight, conscientiousness, and engagement in learning (Reynolds & Rice 50).
Selecting/revising class essays Writing should exhibit an “analytic development of ideas” (FYP Folder, back cover). Favor writing which demonstrates analysis over mere description or summary. Document source material carefully and correctly. Carefully edit and proofread work prior to submitting portfolios.
Composing the reflective essay Consider the criteria on which the writing in your portfolio will be evaluated (see back cover of portfolio or Writing Center website). Your reflective essay will most likely be the first essay a faculty member reads in your portfolio: remember how important first impressions are. This is a personal essay, but it is also critical self- analysis meant to be both engaging and gently persuasive: make it so.
Portfolios: class essays Save all writing you do in first-year classes, in electronic and hard copy form. Your portfolio needs to demonstrate writing proficiency in the dominant language of instruction at CC: English. Writing in your portfolio must derive from a CC class (this can include adjuncts and half-block). It’s OK to rewrite, revise, or combine shorter assignments for portfolio submission.
Sophomore writing classes If you and your advisor receive a note from the Writing Program Director, this is derived from a faculty Writing Evaluation of your work in a given course. If this is the case, consider enrolling in sophomore year in – A Writing Intensive (WI) course, or – Two Writing in a Discipline (WD) courses, or – A Writing in a Discipline (WD) course plus a Writing Enhancement adjunct (GS 260: blocks 1-4 and blocks 5-8).
Writing Proficiency requirement Writing Proficiency is a graduation requirement which can be filled by – Submitting a FY portfolio evaluated as excellent or competent writing; – Enrolling in and successfully completing a WI course--after having submitted a portfolio or finishing FY; or – Enrolling in and successfully completing two WD courses-- after having submitted a portfolio or finishing FY; or – Enrolling in and successfully completing a WD course-- after having submitted a portfolio or finishing FY, and successfully completing a GS 260 Writing Enhancement adjunct.
You need to know that… Students can not fulfill the Writing Proficiency requirement in FY by coursework—you must first submit a portfolio or complete your FY. If the language of instruction in FYE is other than English, FYE papers may be submitted in that language: other work in the portfolio must be written in English. Students who do not fulfill the requirement by the end of sophomore year will be identified by the Registrar and individually counseled.
Portfolio Resources Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for Students. Nedra Reynolds & Rich Rice (Bedford 2006) Writing Center and Colket peer and professional staff: Carol Emmer, Molly Gross, Tracy Santa and Brenna Swift CAT Lab peer and professional staff: Weston Taylor Writing Center website link: FY portfolios Results of FY Portfolio readings will be available on the Ideal Logic site to which you submit archive copies, no later than June 30, 2014.