Getting the Scoop Using a Journalistic Approach During Initial Advising Session Frannie Miller, Jerdan Swingle, Johnny Hedgepath NACADA National Conference October 10, 2014
Headlines Who – Presenter Stories What – Introduction Why – Advising Theory How – Using the 5 W’s When – Group Practice & Discussion Where - Conclusion
My academic “story” begins with a B.A. in English from UNC- Chapel Hill in I went on to complete a Master of Arts in English at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in My first teaching position was at Francis Marion College (now University). I fell in love with adult learners when I taught evening Composition classes at New River Community College in Virginia from After 1992 I took a long break from Academia to raise three daughters. During those years I coached in the Odyssey of the Mind program and was a substitute teacher. I began my career at East Tennessee State University as an Adjunct Instructor of English in I became a part time Advisor and adjunct Instructor for the School of Continuing Studies in 2008, and then moved to a full time advising position in the College of Nursing in I still teach adult students as an adjunct for Continuing Studies, and advise many adult students who are interested in coming back to school for a nursing degree. Their stories are the inspiration for this presentation. Frannie Miller
I am an academic advisor in the School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach (SCSAO) at ETSU. I graduated from Converse College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology and married two weeks after graduating. Eventually, my husband and I had four children during which time I was a stay at home mom. When my fourth child went to college, I wondered what I would do next. I began substitute teaching until the opportunity arose to work at ETSU. I’ve worked in my current position for eight years. The SCSAO has two advisors that work with 350 students who are pursuing undergraduate degrees in four different degree options. Three of our degrees are self-designed requiring comprehensive individual advising with each student. Most of our students are non-traditional students including a significant population of student athletes working toward the Interdisciplinary Studies degree. I advise students pursuing the Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of General Studies, and Bachelor of Science Interdisciplinary Studies (on campus option) degrees. The majority of our students pursue these degrees on campus; however, we do have some students who take partial online classes. We graduate around 150 students each year. Jerdan Swingle
Even though I started college immediately following high school, I have participated in most of my college experience as an adult learner. Although I always knew that I would return to finish my college degree, making the decision to return after six years away was somewhat frightening. However, my second attempt at college was a turning point in my life. In fact, I enjoyed college so much that I’m not only a current graduate student, but also I am in the beginning of my career in higher education. My identity as a life-long learner greatly influences my passion to assist students in identifying and working toward their own academic and career journeys. Interestingly, my fellow presenters introduced me to the field of advising while I worked as a student worker in the School of Continuing Studies. My current position provides me the privilege of getting to know the unique and often amazing stories of a diverse group of students. Learning how these stories contribute to how my students view themselves, other people, and the world is the most enjoyable part of my advising experience. Johnny Hedgepath
Introduction ● New student advising session (adult or other non-traditional student) o Many advising delivery approaches to use o Crucial first meeting Gain enough information to help student write educational plan (Miller, 2014)
Introduction ● Five journalistic questions (5 W’s) o Who, What, When, Where, Why Get the facts & Uncover student’s story (human interest story) (Miller, 2014)
Introduction o How - Advisor as Editor Understand student’s story Encourage student motivation Help students learn how to reach their potential (Miller, 2014)
Why Use Journalistic Approach ● Helps advisors provide a comprehensive, holistic focus on student development o Self-authored identity development Self-authoring occurs through creation of patterns & themes in student’s meaning making (Baxter Magolda, 2003) Journalistic approach allows advisors to listen & obtain students’ stories in order to locate patterns & themes to co-construct a plan
Why Use Journalistic Approach ● Helps advisors obtain adequate & useful information to facilitate student’s creation of their academic & career plans relative to their unique personal factors (e.g. worldview, goals, interests, needs, etc.) o Appreciative Advising utilizes appreciative inquiry to obtain essential information about students to co-construct student goals, to implement plan, and to take action to achieve goals (Bloom, 2002) o Journalistic approach expands appreciative advising by focusing on obtaining essential information during the initial advising session to obtain a bigger picture much earlier
Using the 5 W’s Explore student’s journey to advising office to learn more about the student by focusing on the Who? ● If you were to write a short auto-biography, what are 3 or 4 things you would include? ● In addition to you, who else is affected by your decision to pursue higher education? ● If you could choose only 3 words to describe yourself at this time, tell me what those words would be. (Miller, 2014)
Using the 5 W’s Discover student’s motivation by focusing on the What? ● What do you want to accomplish?(goals) ● What areas of study most interest you? (interests) ● What are obstacles getting in your way? (needs) ● What are strategies that have worked for you in the past? (action) ● What defines you as a person the most? (values) ● What will getting your college degree mean to you? (motivation) (Miller, 2014)
Using the 5 W’s Collaborate with students to find the most effective path by focusing on the Where? ● Where do you see your education taking place? ● Are you more successful in on ground or online courses? ● Where do view yourself working when you complete your degree? (Miller, 2014)
Using the 5 W’s Collaborate with students to find the most effective path by focusing on the When? When do you you see yourself completing your degree? (Miller, 2014)
Using the 5 W’s Transform student from tentative uncertainty to decisive confidence by focusing on the Why? ● Tell me why you want to begin your college education now. ● Tell me why now you’ve made the decision to return to school. ● Help me understand why getting your college degree will change your life. (Miller, 2014)
Using the 5 W’s Advisor as Editor HOW? Using the journalistic approach to Explore, discover, collaborate, and Transform with the student gives Advisors a way to obtain the Essential information needed (the Scoop) to help the student Write her or his story. ● Connect student to campus & community resources (curricula & co-curricula) ● Educate students about your institution’s academic requirements (informational skills) ● Use student development theory to inform your practice (conceptual skills) ● Communicate through professional advising/helping relationship (relational skills) (Miller, 2014)
References Baxter Magolda, M.B. (2003). Identity and learning: Student affairs’ role in transforming higher education. Journal of college student development, 44 (1), Retrieved from Bloom, J.L. (2002). Incorporating appreciative inquiry into academic advising. The Mentor. Retrieved from Miller, F. (2014). Personal Communication