Leo Esaki
Biography Born March 12th, 1925, in Osaka, Japan. Married Masako Araki in 1959 Two daughters, Nina and Anna One son, Eugene
About Leo Esaki Wanted to understand nature After the war, decided to go into industrial research Joined Sony Corporation Discovered tunnel diode, first quantum electron device
About Leo Esaki His American dream, he came to U.S. Joined IBM Research Suppose to one-year visit, but lasted 31 years. 1967, was named an IBM Fellow
Leo Esaki Work IBM/T.J. Watson Research Center focused on man-made semiconductor Opened new field, known as semiconductor quantum structures 1985, shared with two colleagues the International Prize 1991, was awarded for IEEE Medal of Honor
Leo Esaki Is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science Foreign Associate of National Academy of Sciences and Engineering Retains close ties with his homeland. (visit several times)
Leo Esaki Is a Director of IBM-Japan Member of the Japan Academy Director of Yamada Science Foundation An Adjunct professor at Waseda University
Earned B.S. at Tokyo University in 1947 Received PhD at Tokyo University in 1959 Adjunct Professor at Waseda University, Japan Degrees Tokyo University
Received Awards Only one of three Japanese Physicists to receive Nobel Prize. Nishina Memorial Award (1959 Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Prize (1961) Nobel Prize
Received Awards Stuart Ballantine Medal (1961 Japan Academy Award (1965) Order of Culture (1974)
Is he still here? He is still a professor at Waseda University Still lives in Japan Still married to his wife Masako