Why Have We Assessed Tech Skills? Library Services seeks, as much as possible, to provide uniformity of service at all locations – a system-wide baseline skill set helps ensure uniformity. College technology changes quickly, and periodic assessment keeps us up-to-date Staffing and scheduling issues require employees to be familiar with a wide range of technologies
Tech+ What Are Tech+ Skills? We are expanding the our skill sets this year to address system-wide issues such as Communication Customer service Confidentiality Money handling, etc.
New (and easier!) Process Covers all full-time employees, adjunct librarians, and some hourly staff. Like last time, employees will be given a list of basic skills and resources for learning them Employees will print out a self-assessment form, fill it out, and return the form to their supervisors. No proctoring! Employees working at more than one campus will work out which supervisor will direct
Old vs. New Three forms Proctoring system Anxiety! One form! Self-assessment – no proctoring! Assess yourself at your own pace! Old Assessment New and Improved Assessment!
Sample Form
Timeline for Assessment As with our previous effort in Spring 2006, we will have initial project an initial project and ongoing process an ongoing process.
initial Timeline for Assessment (initial) Timelines for this initial effort will be determined soon. Supervisors will direct self-assessment for their staff. watch for Assessment forms and training materials to be available on the wiki soon – watch for .
ongoing Timeline for Assessment (ongoing) The basic skills self-assessment will be scheduled every year in the spring The deadline will be before Spring Break each year New employees will have a slightly different schedule, worked out with their supervisors
Watch your for more details…