‘Food Improvement Agents Package’


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Presentation transcript:

‘Food Improvement Agents Package’ (FIAP) changes in food legislation

On july 8th 2008, the European Union has approved the FIAP. This is divided into four Regulations, being: 1331/2008 : common authorisation procedures 1332/2008 : enzymes 1333/2008 : additives 1334/2008 : flavourings Current legislation which is a Directive will be harmonized on EC level in above mentioned Regulations. In this presentation Regulations concerning flavourings and additives will be further explained.

Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 December 2008 On flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties for use in and on foods and amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/91, Regulations (EC) No 2232/96 and (EC) No 110/2008 and Directive 2003/13/EC.

This regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall apply from 20 January 2011 Until this date current legislation with regard to flavourings remains valid. Important changes: classification of flavourings labelling of flavourings community list

Classification of flavourings Current legislation Flavourings Nature identical flavouring Artificial flavouring Smoke flavouring Natural flavouring Natural “X” flavouring - New legislation Flavouring 2. 3. 4. Smoke flavouring 5. Natural flavouring 6. Natural “X” flavouring 7. Natural “X” flavouring with other natural flavouring

X is referring to a food, foodcategory, or a vegetable or animal source material for flavourings. In the new situation the classification “Flavourings” is also sufficient for all categories (except for smoke flavours) if so desired completed with a specific name or description of the flavour (for example strawberry flavour, vanilla flavour).

Remarks: According to the new Regulation the classifications “artificial”and “nature – identical flavouring” will be replaced by the classification “flavouring”. The statement “without artificial flavourings” will than no longer be allowed. The use of the term natural followed by a reference to a food, food category or source is only allowed in categories 6 and 7. As consequence of the above the status of a flavouring in Food Law may change.

Labelling requirements for flavourings: According to art. 15 of the Regulation the following rules apply: The sales description: either the word “flavouring” or a more specific name or description of the flavouring. On the label of our products a sales description is stated, for example strawberry flavour (no 000000) as well as a food law description, for example natural flavouring. Both descriptions can be used on the ingredient declaration of the finished product(2000/13/EG)

Labelling requirements for flavourings: Continuation Labelling requirements for flavourings: B. The statement ”for food” …………….. C. Storage conditions……………………… D. Batch identification…………………… E. A list, in descending order of weight of: Categories of present flavourings: and The name of the other substances or materials in the present product or, where appropiate, their E-number. F. Company name and addresss……………….. G. Statement of components with quantitative limits…

Continuation Labelling requirements for flavourings: H. Nett quantity I. Shelf life J. Information with regard to the presence of materials mentioned in Guideline 2000/13/EG Annex III bis  allergenes Changes in comparison to current label: Items A, G and J

Community list Two kinds of categories of materials with flavouring properties: For which an evaluation and approval is not required (e.g. flavouring preparations like orange oil, strawberry distillate, …) For which an evaluation and approval is required (e.g. flavouring substances like ethylbutyrate, butyric acid, …). These materials will be included in the Community List.

This list will be published and legally applicable on another date than the dates of the Regulations itself. Transition period: As a part of the transitional and final provisions the following applies: Food lawfully placed on the market or labelled prior to January 20th, 2011 which do not comply with this Regulation may be marketed until their date of minimum durability or use-by-date.

Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and Council of December 16th, 2008 concerning food additives The Regulation covers: Community list of approved food additives Conditions of use for food additives Labelling regulations

This Regulation harmonizes legislation with concern to food additives in the EC. The community list will be included in the Annexes of the Regulation, after a positive check by the Authorities with concern to food additives (latest January 20th, 2011). To this date it is allowed to use food additives (and application regulations) from the enclosures of the current guidelines.

Extra labelling requirements for the customer Labelling of food Labelling requirements for additives in food as per Guideline 2000/13/EC remain valid Extra labelling requirements for the customer Article 24 of this Regulation From July 20th, 2010 The labels of food stuff that contain colours (E102, 104, 110, 122, 124 and 129) as mentioned in enclosure V of this Regulation must have extra information: name or E-number of the colour(s): can affect the activity or concentration of children

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. Rechte Tocht 1 1507 BZ ZAANDAM Telefoon: 0031 (0)75 631 44 11 E-mail: info@buteressence.com Disclaimer: This presentation is made to the best of our ability. Buteressence B.V. can not be held liable for consequences because of the content of this presentation in any way.