We are going to show you how to make you own community garden that’s saving the planet, by…. Wait for it…. RECYCLING!!!!!!!! Yes, very cool. We’re going to show you what you can recycle and what to do with them in your garden.
Because… If we don’t recycle all the stuff we don’t need goes into land fill and poisons the earth, numbering our resources, and making it hard to live. But if we recycle, it means that we don’t need factories constantly making us new things and we wouldn’t have as many landfills!
YOU SAVE MONEY! (who doesn’t Love Money?) Because,,, When things break you don’t have to go out and buy a new pot or rake, or whatever… It’s a huge space saver,, Of course your going to say no its not it makes things worse, It doesn’t. your clearing out the garage and actually using all your junk for something, instead of just dust collecting.
Pretty Much everything: Bath tubs Toilets Tree stumps Tires Railway sleepers Old bottle caps and C.D’s Concrete slabs Bricks, roof tiles. Wheel barrows Clothes Ladders Bookshelves Tools Broken plates, pots etc…
Use old pipes for plant boxes along the edge of your house. Instead of buying big fancy pots for your trees you could put them in old tires Use old wheel barrows as mini portable garden. Roof tiles, bath tubs, rail way sleepers, tires.
Under Ground Climbing Plants. Above Ground. Strawberries growing on a shelf. Lemon, Apple and Orange trees.
Space saving in gardens is very important, especially in gardens with little room. If you utilise the space you already have by thinking about what you want to grow and using the space limited to you creatively, there is no end to the amount you can do!!!
This is a branch of gardening called vertical gardening, which is when you grow your plants straight up instead of traditionally across the ground. It is a clever idea that has already sparked world wide interest Container growing is good because it makes good use of space, doesn’t take much time or effort and can be a good way to use recycled materials. It’s a win-win for all ! Using book shelves and other odd ends of wood is an idea with benefits; book shelves are easy to put up and pull down, they have plentiful storage, and come in a range of different sizes depending on your needs
The best thing about space saving is that it works ANYWHERE. Seriously, if you just stop and think about it the possibilities, you realise it can function anywhere there’s a bit of land, from apartment to cul de sac, loft to bach, suburban home to inner city flat. Space saving rocks!
If you apply these ideas we’ve written up you will: A) Have a very environmentally friendly garden! B) Have lots of room in your environmentally friendly garden thanks to the awesome space saving ideas! C) Have a triple threat garden- reduce, reuse, recycle.