Brenda Rone, Susan Gentry, and Bridgett Niedringhaus Hazelwood School District Second Grade
These lessons are designed to reinforce: State Science Standard VII Living Systems A. Structure, Function, and Characteristics B. Life Processes C. Diversity D. Reproduction E. Adaptation and Evolution
Teacher Page Second Grade, Show Me Standard, Science 3 The elements of Living Systems are integrated in the activities. We suggest that students keep a journal. It is critical for students to use writing skills to explain answers. When you see this symbol students should use their journals. Please take time to discuss possible answers. Click to go to next screen.
Characteristics of Living and Non-living Things Activities
Which of these things are living? Which are non-living? Living Non-living mushroom flower doll cloud bird chair dragon fly fish teddy zebra crocodile ball frog skateboard tree Answer next
mushroom flower doll cloud bird chair dragon fly fish teddy zebra crocodile ball frogskateboard tree LivingNon-living Discuss why...
In your discussion, did you include: They all need food, water, and air to live. Living things have systems that help them grow and change. All living things are either plants or animals. All living things reproduce things like themselves. Did you have anything else on your list? Share with your classmates.
Draw a picture of another plant and animal. Give two reasons why they are living things. Share your answers with a partner. End of Activity