Haryana National Horticulture Mission Physical & Financial Progress and Annual Action Plan ( ) Meeting State Horticulture Mission, Haryana Haryana State Horticulture Development Agency, Panchkula
National Horticulture Mission Scheme implemented by “Haryana State Horticulture Development Agency” – registered on dated with registration no. 87 under society act Scheme launched in Haryana in Feb ( ) Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary: Chairperson Director Horticulture as Mission Director PAN no. : AAATH6708E TAN no. : RTKH02976B IT exemption no.: 120/344 under section 12-AA (b) of IT act 1961
NHM-Financial Review & Proposal (Rs. in Lacs) Item Budget Release Balance of previous year Financial (GOI Share:85%) Financial (State Share:15%) Financial Target (Total) Financial Achievement (Total) Financial Achievement (GOI) (State) Balance (GOI) Balance (SS)
NHM Component Wise Physical & Financial Review , &
1.Production of Planting material Establishment of Model Nurseries YearPhysical (no.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement (under progress) (under progress) (Public) (under progress) (Private)
1.Production of planting material Establishment of small nurseries YearPhysical (no.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement (Public) (Private) (under progress)
1.Production of Planting material Rehabilitation of Tissue Culture Laboratory YearPhysical (no.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement
1.Production of planting material Vegetable Seed Production Programme YearPhysical (ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement (Public) (Private) Seed Infrastructure Public:HSDC
2. Establishment of new gardens Area expansion - Fruits YearPhysical (ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement
Fruit Sector Growth YearArea (ha) Growth in Hectares Growth in %age (in 24 yrs) Since creation of the State (in 15 yrs ) Since creation of Deptt (in 3 yrs) Since the launch of NHM & MI
Mango Cluster and Growth (in ha)
Citrus Cluster and Growth (in ha)
2. Establishment of new gardens Area expansion – Flowers YearPhysical (ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement Loose Flower Cut Flower Bulbous Flower Loose Flower Cut Flower Bulbous Flower Loose Flower Cut Flower Bulbous Flower Loose Flower
Flower Sector Growth YearArea (ha) Growth in Hectares Growth in %age (in 24 yrs) Since creation of the State (in 15 yrs ) Since creation of Deptt (in 2 yrs) Since the launch of NHM & MI
2. Establishment of new gardens- 2.3 Area expansion - Spices YearPhysical (ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement
2. Establishment of new gardens- 2.4 Area expansion - Aromatic plants YearPhysical (ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement
3. Rejuvenation of senile plantation YearPhysical (ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement
4. Creation of water resources/sources 4.1. Community tanks or farm ponds or farm water reservoir YearPhysical (no.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement
The Farm ponds linked with plantation and MI
More such types
The more systematic plantation
5. Protected cultivation YearInterventionPhysical (ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement Green House Mulching Shade net Plastic tunnel Green House Mulching Shade net Plastic tunnel Green House Mulching Shade net Plastic tunnel
7. Promotion of INM/IPM YearInterventionPhysical (no./ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement Promotion Promotion Disease Forcasting Unit Plant Health Clinic 15Under progress Leaf analysis lab Promotion PHC Promotion Disease Forcasting unit 10Under progress40.00Under progress Bio-control lab1Under progress80.00Under progress
8. Organic Farming YearInterventionPhysical (no., ha)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement Area adoption Vermicompost Area adoption Vermicompost Area adoption Vermicompost Area adoption3181Under progress Vermicompost Certification3181Under progress
9. Human Resource Development YearPhysical (no.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement Training inside Training inside Training outside Training inside Training outside Training inside Training outside
Training Calendar
Trainings at HTI, Karnal SnSn YearNo. of Trainings No. Of trainees Courses ( ) 1Supervisor (1 year)Aug. to July (continue) 2Gardener (6 month)Aug. to Jan EntrepreneurSep. to Dec
10. Pollination support through Bee-keeping YearPhysical (no.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement
B. Post Harvest Management under NHM ( ) SnInterventionPost Harvest ManagementMartg. Infrastru. Innovative Component Total Grading, Packing CS, Multi chamber Refer. Van Garbage disposal Plastic crates 1 Development of New Vegetable at Panipat Development of Modern Farmer’s Market of Panchkula Development of New Veg. & Fruit Market including Modern Farmer’s Market at Hisar Development of New Veg. & Fruit Market including Modern Farmer’s Market at Narnaul Development of New Veg. & Fruit Market including Modern Farmer’s Market at Rohtak Development of New Veg. & Fruit Market including Modern Farmer’s Market at Karnal Development of New Veg. & Fruit Market (Air Conditioned) at Gurgaon Providing grading/sorting, waxing, packaging and storage facilities for Citrus at Odhan district Sirsa Providing cold storage facilities for potatoes at Shahabad District KKR Providing storage facilities for onions at Jhajjar (Beri) Providing and multi utility cold storage at Sonepat G. Total
Market & PHM infrastructure Development under NHM Total Projects: 11 Amount Sanctioned: crore Amount utilized: crore
Post Harvest Management YearInterventionPhysical Achievement (nos.) Financial Achievemetn (Rs. in lacs) Pack houses21.25
E. State Intervention – Innovative component: Mushroom YearPhysical (no.)Financial (Rs. in lacs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement New Units New Units Trays2,25, New Units Trays2,47,0003,08, Pasteurized Compost unit Spawn Lab New Units Trays Pasteurized Compost unit Bee Breeders Integrated Mushroom unit
Mushroom Cluster and Growth (in MTs)
5.0 BUDGET OUTLAY – COMPONENT-WISE NHM – HARYANA : AAP ( ) SR. NO.INTERVENTI ON UNITTOTAL OUTLAY GOI SHARESTATE SHARE APlantation Infrastructure & Development 1Production of Planting Material 1. Model and Small Nurseries 11 Nos. (1: modal 10: small) Vegetable Seed Production & Infrastructure Ha. (potato:101.2 ha) (vegetables: ha)
AAP: cont.. SR. NO. INTERVENTIONUNITTOTAL OUTLAY GOI SHARESTATE SHARE 2Establishment of New Gardens 1.Fruits Mango: 247 ha Sapota: 150 ha Citrus: 3417 ha Ber: 252 ha Guava: 1001 ha 5067 Ha Flowers Cut flower: 69 ha Bulbous: 1086 ha Loose: 1180 ha 2335 Ha Spices Chillies: 2480 ha Garlic: 2398 ha Ginger: 375 ha Turmeric: 950 ha 6203 Ha
AAP: SR. NO.INTERVENTIO N UNITTOTAL OUTLAY GOI SHARESTATE SHARE 2aMaintenance of Orchards -2nd year 5188 Ha bMaintenance of Orchards -3rd year 3223 Ha Rejuvenation of Senile Plantation Mango: 85 ha Citrus: 104 ha Guava: 78 ha Ber: 37 ha 322 Ha
AAP: SR. NO.INTERVENTIONUNITTOTAL OUTLAYGOI SHARESTATE SHARE 4Community Tanks or Farm Ponds 424 Nos Protected Cultivation Green house: 5.2 ha Mulching: 535 ha Shade net:17.47 ha Plastic tunnel: ha Ha Promotion of IPM/INM 6085 Ha Organic Farming Last year: 3181 ha New area: 7000 ha Ha HRD – Training Inside: 2324 no. Outside: 1940 no. Outside: 40 no Nos Pollination - Bee keeping Nos
AAP: SR. NO. INTERVENTIONUNITTOTAL OUTLAYGOI SHARESTATE SHARE 10Technology Demonstration a)Indo Israel Project i) Centre of Excellence for Fruits at Sirsa 1 No ii) Centre of Excellence for Vegetable at Karnal 1 No b)Frontline Demonstration on Oyster, Milky and Shitake Mushroom (HAIC) 25 Nos c)Bee-Keeping Production Programme (CCS HAU, Hisar) 1 No d)Project Proposal on Floriculture 3 No Total (A)
AAP: SR. NO. INTERVENTIONUNITTOTAL OUTLAY GOI SHARESTATE SHARE CPost Harvest Management 1.Private Pack house: 35 Onion shed: 65 Plastic crates: Public (HSAMB) (Token Provision) Total (PHM with Token Provision) (C) Sub Total (A+C) DMission Management (5%)
AAP: SR. NO. INTERVENTIONUNITTOTAL OUTLAYGOI SHARESTATE SHARE EInnovative Components 1.Mushroom Production Mushroom trays: New units: 448 Compost units: 13 Spawn unit: Nos Information Communication Technology (ICT) - IFFCO (Project Based) Farm Infrastructure & Mechanization Vegetable washer, garlic planter, potato grader, digger, citrus grader, trenching machine, pit digger, 361 Nos Total (E) GRAND TOTAL (A+C+D+E)